The interactive pub quiz game Interactive
Group Members Jo Chandler Jo Chandler Chris Martin (in Thailand!) Chris Martin (in Thailand!) Robin Noyce Robin Noyce Andrew Twitchett Andrew Twitchett
The Pub Quiz Game Client server based program Client server based program Client GUI Client GUI Server controls the game Server controls the game Web sever Web sever Database Database Clients will be able to play each other Clients will be able to play each other
Project Managers MonthManager OctoberRobin NovemberChris DecemberJo JanuaryAndrew FebruaryRobin MarchChris AprilJo MayAndrew
Product Research Robin Noyce
Product: Family Feud Online Party Similar online multiplayer game. Players can Play against other players or play as part of a team. The player joins a room with up to nine other players in. The game uses eye catching graphics and animations The player can chat to his opponent in real time via the chat board
Product: The pub Quiz machine This pub quiz game is downloaded from the website. The quiz allows the user to design there own quizzes. The game is only single player. This game has a simpler design than the Family Feud game.
Product: QuizPlayer Can only be played online – is not downloadable. This game is free. Players play to win real prizes. Asks player to enter a lot of personal data before they can play
Work Completed Template Website online. Basic MySQL database built containing High Scores, user name session ID etc. Link from website to MySQL database setup. Database partially populated for testing.
How the System Works Jo Chandler
Use Case Diagram
Client / Server Class Diagram
What Next? More detailed design to include sequence diagrams and state diagrams. More detailed design to include sequence diagrams and state diagrams. Think about testing. Think about testing. Implementation Implementation