VIEW CAMERAS the most flexible type of camera uses a sheet of film measuring 4”x5” or sometimes larger must be placed on a tripod when taking a picture
VIEW CAMERAS Advantages: Parallax error is eliminated the lens and film aren’t fixed parallel to each other the film size is large, giving sharp detail in large pictures the camera itself is adjustable, permitting the photographer to tilt and twist
VIEW CAMERAS Disadvantages: Bulky; must use a tripod the image projected on the screen is not very bright that’s why photographers put a cloth over their head and their cameras the image appears reversed and upside down on the viewing screen
SINGLE-LENS REFLEX CAMERAS (SLR) uses one lens for viewing and taking pictures these cameras usually use 35mm film. Some more expensive cameras take larger film sizes
SINGLE-LENS REFLEX CAMERAS (SLR) Advantages: No parallax error can be used with interchangeable lenses What you see is what you get
SINGLE-LENS REFLEX CAMERAS (SLR) Disadvantages: heavier than other types of cameras more complex and more liable to break down because it has a moving mirror, it makes a loud click when a picture is taken finding the critical point of focus under poor lighting conditions is often difficult
TWIN-LENS REFLEX CAMERAS (TLR) the camera has two lenses: (a) for viewing and focusing and (b) for taking the picture itself image is composed and focused on a ground-glass viewing screen on the top of the camera twin-lens reflexes generally use role film
TWIN-LENS REFLEX CAMERAS (TLR) Advantages: Light weight since the mirrors remains fixed at all times, a TLR tends to be quiet and exposure lag is minimized
TWIN-LENS REFLEX CAMERAS (TLR) Disadvantages: suffer from parallax error image projected on the viewing screen is reversed from left to right TLR’s lenses are not interchangeable some TLRs are cumbersome/inconvenient for candid work
RANGEFINDER/ VIEWFINDER CAMERAS the viewfinder and the camera lens are actually viewing the subject from two different levels resulting in parallax error. What you see in these cameras is not always exactly what you wanted.
RANGEFINDER/ VIEWFINDER CAMERAS Advantages: it has no moving parts to break down. it provides excellent focusing, particularly at low light levels. lens-shutter cameras are lighter and more compact. with no mirror to slap, lens-shutter cameras are also much quieter than SLRs.
RANGEFINDER/ VIEWFINDER CAMERAS Disadvantages: may suffer from parallax error images that are seen through this type of viewfinder may be inconveniently small
DIGITAL CAMERAS works like the conventional cameras with lens, a shutter and an aperture the big difference is in how they capture the image
DIGITAL CAMERAS Advantages: easy to carry saves your time instantly shows you how your pictures look pictures can easily deleted you don’t need to wait to finish a roll before having it processed. capable of capturing sound and video
DIGITAL CAMERAS Disadvantages: have limited settings w/c can be manipulated based on your desired effects produce pictures which are “pixelated” (based on the resolution)
COMMON TYPES POINT AND SHOOT CAMERAS fully automatic has limited creative controls w/ resolutions below 1M pixels
COMMON TYPES PROSUMER CAMERAS usually w/ 5-6 M pixels in resolution w/ more advanced features make prints up to about 8x10 in size
COMMON TYPES PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS based on 35mm SLR cameras have the highest resolution (more than 6M pixels) w/most features (such as exposure controls and adjustable lenses)
COMMON TYPES DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERAS shoot at 30fps video has less resolution than most digital cameras no need to digitize frames because they are already digitize it is possible to select individual frame off a vide tape
COMMON TYPES SPECIALTY CAMERAS digital cameras are now being incorporated in more and more devices ranging from laptop computers to PDAs
COMMON TYPES NOVELTY CAMERAS as the size of image sensors falls, cameras can be incorporated into more and more objects from toys to watches