1 ROAD SAFETY for SENIORS Presented by: Brian Everitt Manager – RACQ Driver Education Driver Safety Education & Training Logan Rd. Eight Mile Plains Qld 4113
2 DRIVER EDUCATION UNIT Safe Driving Advice Recommended Driving Schools Road Safety Lectures Driver Assessment Service Driver Education Program Driver Rehabilitation Program Years Ahead Program Provides the following services:
3 Fatalities: Qld Road Toll Source: Qld Transport
4 Casualties by Severity (Qld) = people per year OR 35.2 Qld’ers per day Source: Qld Transport & Qld Police Service Statistics (2004/5) Transport - Road Traffic Crashes in Queensland
5 Traffic Crash Costs The total cost of road crashes in Australia in 1996 was conservatively estimated at approximately: $15 Billion Estimate for 2007: $18-20 Billion
6 Qld Road Toll (2005) Source: ATSB Road Deaths Summary, 2005 (includes pillion passengers). Driver, Passenger, Pedestrian & Motorcyclist Fatalities in Queensland (2004)
7 Crash Risk Serious Injury Crash Risk by Driver Age, Source: MUARC submission, 2003.
8 Years Ahead The Years Ahead Program is a (solely) RACQ-funded, free-to- community, driver awareness program that informs older drivers of road safety issues that may affect them, and examines ways in which they can reduce their risk of being involved in a road crash and continue driving safer for longer.
9 Years Ahead The program consists of 3 components: l Years Ahead Workshop presentations on safety issues, awareness and the application of the road rules. l An individual on-road Years Ahead Refresher Drive with a qualified driving instructor. l A comprehensive “Refresh” Handbook on age-related safety issues, defensive driving techniques, road signs and markings and sharing the road with others.
10 What is Covered l Road Rules. l Difficult Driving Situations. l Defensive Driving Tips. l Other Road Safety Issues. l Physical Fitness to Drive. l Your Driving Future. l Crash Involvement.
11 KNOWING THE ROAD RULES l Most drivers don’t have a clear understanding. l Many drivers are unaware of certain rule changes. l Many are still not aware of the introduction of the Australian Road Rules. Road rules are provided for guidance, control, and uniformity to ensure the correct and safe movement of vehicles and other road users within an area or length of road.
12 Drivers who suffer permanent or long-term medical conditions that adversely affect their ability to drive safely must notify Qld Transport as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in a $4500 penalty and licence disqualification. l Medical conditions include (but not limited to): Ü Diabetes (early and late onset) Ü Epilepsy Ü Heart disease Ü Strokes Ü Arthritis and other joint problems Ü Eye problems (eg. Cataracts) Ü Hearing disorders Ü Sleep disorders Ü Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders Ü Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease Ü Depression and other mental health problems Ü Lung disease Ü Injuries and disabilities MEDICAL CONDITION REPORTING
13 Years Ahead was developed to cater primarily for older drivers, RACQ designed, funds and conducts this program, We currently have the resources to conduct about presentations per year, We (try) to travel to regional locations every second year, For regional tours we collaborate with Seniors’ groups who promote and coordinate presentations in their area. RACQ does not believe this program to be a solution to the current or future road toll, more as a chance to raise awareness of some issues facing older road users. ……….IN SUMMARY
14 ‘…a must for all Queenslanders’ Traffic and Safety Department. 179 Water St. Spring Hill Qld 4006 Presented by: Brian Everitt Manager - Driver Education SAFE DRIVING