Mining and sustainable development Arabella Imhoff Nautilus Institute RMIT Australia
Mining and sustainable development Three aspects of mining and sustainable development Economic Environmental Social
Capturing minerals wealth and opportunities Company business decisions Financial bottom line vs. supporting community development Government policy Taxes and royalties Regulatory conditions
Managing minerals wealth Investing in the future Savings and investments Support for economic diversification Equity in minerals wealth management Distributions of minerals wealth at local level Capacity building at local level Good governance Transparency Reporting requirements Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Mining, biodiversity and critical natural capital Protection of critical natural capital Government regulation Land use planning Improved understanding of biodiversity - research & taxonomy Mining companies Biodiversity policies and management planning
Waste management Tailings storage facilities Tailings management Complex structures Continually constructed over lifetime of mine Tailings management Regulatory requirements - ongoing planning, management and reporting Benchmarking and best practice Continuity in management over lifetime of project
Mine closure Miner closure and rehabilitation Mine closure planning Physical and chemical stabilisation of mine site Restoration of flora, fauna & biodiversity Mine closure planning Undertaken from the start of mine’s life not the end Management of mine closure costs
Internal social issues Health and safety issues Workplace accidents Exposure to hazardous materials Ambient factors International Labour Office General conventions Mining specific - 1995 Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines Mining specific ILO Codes of Practice
External social impacts Land use, resettlement and displacement Loss of home, income, assets, land, social networks, resources and cultural sites. Management Compensation important But focus should be on rehabilitation
External social impacts Community development Service provision by mining companies can create dependency Governments must take leadership role Partnerships – supporting community development & government capacity building
Small scale and artisanal mining Social impacts Health and safety risks Human and labour rights issues Management Large scale mining companies Engagement with small scale miners Training and technology transfer Governments Incentives to encourage registering of small scale mining operations