Group Members Names Kaylee, Allison, Frankie, and Jarrett
What are Tsunamis? A Tsunamis is a group of waves that move across the ocean. One after another.
What causes a Tsunamis ? Under water earthquakes Under water volcanos
What are the effects of a Tsunami? People-Tsunamis can kill up to 200,000 people and can cause a lot of damage. Plants-Tsunamis can pull plants on the beach out of the ground. Animals-Tsunamis can destroy animals habitats.
Interesting facts The waves of a tsunami can move as fast as 600 miles per hour. When a tsunami reaches the coast, the waves can be as high as 100 feet in the air. Animals may sense when tsunamis are coming, before the 2004 tsunami in Thailand, a herd of elephants suddenly ran to higher ground in hills. In December 2004, a huge underwater earthquake caused a tsunami that hit the coasts of several Asian nations and the east coast of Africa.