Famous and Not So Famous Inventors
Thomas Edison 1847 – 1931 Only attended formal school for a few months Taught by his mother At 13 sold newspapers and candy on a local train line Obtained 1093 patents during his life
Thomas Edison 1847 – 1931 His first successful invention was to improve the stock ticker First great invention was the tin foil phonograph which recorded sound First demonstrated the electric light in 1879 Invented the kinetoscope or motion picture camera
George Eastman He quit school at 14 to help support his family He was paid $3 a week to be a messenger boy He was a well known philanthropist and gave away $100 million
George Eastman He invented easy use cameras And dry, transparent film on rolls His inventions made it possible for Thomas Edison’s motion picture camera
Philo T. Farnsworth Born in a log cabin in Beaver, Utah His parents wanted him to become a concert violinist He once worked on a Salt Lake City street cleaning crew
Philo T. Farnsworth September 7, 1927 first components of the television were demonstrated He invented the first electron microscope and the first infant incubator Electronic eyes he invented were used in moon landings
“Bill” William Lear 1902 – 1978 Went to school through the 8 th grade During WW1, at 16 he joined the Navy After the war he became a pilot At the age of 20 he formed his first of many companies
“Bill” William Lear 1902 – 1978 Invented the first practical car radio Invented a reliable aeronautical radio compass and automatic pilot system Invented the eight track tape with endless magnetic loop recording
Stephanie Kwolek present Wanted to go to medical school, but lack the funds Took a research position with DuPont Worked hard so her job wouldn’t be given to a man
Stephanie Kwolek present In the 1960’s discover crystalline polymers Material used in bulletproof vests Also used in radial tires, brake pads, racing sails, fiberoptic cable, water-, air-, and spacecraft shells
Quick Quiz His invention led to the invention by another man. He filed over 1,000 patents in his life. He invented something for the audio, aviation, and auto industries. Wanted to go to medical school. His parents wanted him to be a musician.
Quick Quiz His invention led to the invention by another man. George Eastman He filed over 1,000 patents in his life. Thomas Edison He invented something for the audio, aviation, and auto industries. William Lear Wanted to go to medical school. Stephanie Kwolek His parents wanted him to be a musician. Philo T. Farnsworth