Size & Shape of Dining Rooms DESIGNING A RESTAURANT ATMOSPHERE Type of Restaurant Seating (m²) Servery or Bar (m²) Food production & storage (m²) Cloakroom Toilets, etc (m²) High standard, Traditional Restaurant (80 seats) 2,01,20,90,3 Café, Tea-Room Mid-Market (100 seats) 1,60,20,60,2 Cafeteria, Counter, Self Service (140 seats) 1,40,4 0,15 Popular family Restaurants (100 seats) 1,20,40,2 Fast-Food unit (50 seats) 0,80,60,80,3 Other Restaurant Sea tings: Banquet: 0,90 m² - 1,00 m² Bar (50% seated): 1,10 m² - 1,40 m² Bar (25% seated): 0,60 m² - 0,90 m² Close Seating (discotheques, clubs): 0,60 m² - 0,90 m² Exercise: Calculate the number of seats in a café (200 m²)
Tables & Chairs DESIGNING A RESTAURANT ATMOSPHERE Round Tables are very popular for fine dining room because it allows guests to converse with all other guests seated at the table without difficulty. Square & Rectangular tables can accommodate groups, when the tables are pushed together. Fixed banquette seating gives a sense of privacy. Type of seating used depends upon your needs and space optimization (see the graph below) : Type of Dining RoomTables for 2Tables for 4 or more Schools Cafeteria30 %70 % Business Restaurant60 %40 % Family Restaurant25 %75 % Hotel Restaurant60 %40 % Cafe, Tearoom80 %20 %