“When the fullness of time has come, God sent his Son, born of a woman” (Gált 4,4)
“He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him” (Joh 1, 11)
From all places they arrived at Macchu Pichu People who would celebrate The summer equinox that they say Is astral Christmas.
The Jockey Plaza is filled with sleighs Santa Clauses, pine trees and others.
While, Jesus is in the parking lot Almost at the backdoor
Take, if you wish, the gifts, Apple sauce and turkey
Take the lights and even the tree
But the Child in the manger You don’t even dare touch
Because there is no Christmas without Jesus No Christmas without Jesus.
Sell what you will, invent what you want There is no Christmas without Jesus.
There is no Christmas without Jesus No Christmas without Jesus.
Buy what you like, invest what you wish There is no Christmas without Jesus.
What does the white-bearded man in red suit have as king of Christmas?
If there in heaven St. Nicholas himself Turns about in annoyance.
If Harry Potter and the witches today Celebrate Halloween like Christmas
Then you shall be “Scrooge” for the killjoy And I would be “Grinch” for the anti-social
Take all your presents And if you wish even the holiday
Take the gift champagne
But the child in the manger you don’t even dare touch.
Because there is no Christmas without Jesus No Christmas without Jesus.
Sell what you will, invent what you want There is no Christmas without Jesus.
There is no Christmas without Jesus. No, No, There is no Christmas without Jesus.
Buy what you like, invest what you wish There is no Christmas without Jesus.
There is no Christmas without Jesus.
May you have a Merry Christmas.