A song that unites heaven and earth, sending to heaven praise and glory, and to the land of men a wish for peace. This song is for every man and every woman who watches in the night, hoping for a better world, taking care of others by seeking to humbly do his or her duty. Glory to God! Christmas calls us to this above all: to give glory to God, because he is good, he is faithful, he is merciful. I want everyone to feel that God is near, and to remain in his presence, to love him, to worship him. And that each of us can give glory to God, especially by his life, a life spent for his love and for that of his brothers and sisters. Pope Francis
The Sister Disciples of Jesus Master wish you a Merry christmas and Holy and happy New Year of 2015! Music : La Vergine degli angeli Nathalie Choquette Canada – December 2014