IndIGO Indi an I nititative in G ravitational-wave O bservations Tarun Souradeep Preparing India for Gravitational wave Astronomy IUCAA
GW Astronomy with Intl. Network of GW Observatories GW Astronomy with Intl. Network of GW Observatories LIGO-LLO: 4km LIGO-LHO: 2km, 4km GEO: 0.6km VIRGO: 3km TAMA: 0.3km LIGO-Australia? 1. Detection confidence 2. Source direction 3. Polarization info. Courtesy: S. Dhurandhar
Courtesy: B. Schultz GWIC Roadmap Gravitational wave Astronomy :
Courtesy: B. Schultz: GWIC Roadmap Document GWIC: Gravitational Wave International Committee
INDIGO: the goals P artnership in LIGO-Australia – Advanced LIGO hardware for 1 detector shipped to Australia at the Gingin site, near Perth. NSF approval – Australia and International partners find funds (equiv to half the detector cost ~$200M) within a year. – Indian partnership at 15% with full data rights. – Plan B: LIGO-India ? Consolidated IndIGO membership of LIGO Science Collab. + propose creating a Tier-2 data centre for LSC in IUCAA + IUSSTF IndoUS joint Centre at IUCAA with Caltech (funded) Provide a common umbrella to initiate and expand GW related experimental efforts – 3m prototype detector in TIFR (funded). Unnikrishnan – New IndIGO partners : Laser expt. IIT M, IIT K – UG summer internship at Intl GW labs & observatories.
IndIGO: Why is it a good idea? Have a 20 year legacy and wide recognition in the Intl. GW community. (Would not make it to the GWIC report, otherwise!) – AIGO/LIGO/EGO strong interest in fostering Indian community – GWIC invitation to IndIGO join as member (Jul 2011) Jump start direct participation in GW observations/astronomy – going beyond analysis methodology & theoretical prediction --- to full participation in data acquisition, analysis and astronomy results. For once, may be perfect time to a launch into a promising field (GW astronomy) well before it has obviously blossomed. Provides an exciting challenge at an International forefront of experimental science. Can tap and siphon back the extremely good UG students trained in India. (Sole cause of `brain drain’). – 1 st yr summer intern 2010 MIT for PhD – Indian experimental scientist Postdoc at LIGO training for Adv. LIGO subsystem Scattered, small scale, individual experimental expertise related to GW observatories have a much better prospect to thrive under the INDIGO umbrella. (Easier to conceive, plan and implement in light of a major initiative) – Sendhil Raja, RRCAT, Anil Prabhakar, EE, IIT Madras, Pradeep Kumar, EE, IITK Photonics – Vacuum expertise with RRCAT, IPR (Ajai Kumar)
Indo-Aus.Meeting, Delhi, Feb 2011
Multi-Institutional Consortium 1.IUCAA 2.TIFR 3.RRI 4.RRCAT 5.IPR 6.CMI 7.Delhi University 8.IISER Kolkata 9.IISER Trivandrum IIT Chennai? IIT Kanpur? Jamia Milia ? Courtesy: Unnikrishnan
Sanjeev Dhurandhar (Council Spokesperson) IUCAA, Pune Tarun Souradeep (Council) IUCAA, Pune Bala Iyer (Council chair) RRI, Bangalore C. S. Unnikrishnan (Council) TIFR, Mumbai Badri KrishnanAlbert Einstein Institute, Germany Rana Adhikari Caltech, Pasadena P Ajith Caltech, Pasadena B Sathyaprakash Cardiff University T R SeshadriDelhi University Patrick Dasgupta Delhi University Anand Sengupta Delhi University ? Biplab Bhawal Independent Rajesh Nayak IISER, Kolkata Archana Pai IISER, Trivandrum Suresh Doravari Caltech, Pasadena. Ajai Kumar IPR, Gandhinagar Ranjan Gupta IUCAA, Pune Sanjay Jhingan Jamila Milia, Delhi Bhim Prasad SarmaTezpur Univ. ? Sanjit Mitra JPL/LIGO, Caltech IUCAA Jiwan Mittal RRCAT, Indore S Shukla RRCAT, Indore G Rajalakshmi TIFR, Mumbai A Gopakumar TIFR, Mumbai Soumya MohantyUTB, Brownsville Sukanta Bose Washington University, Pullman K G Arun Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai The IndIGO Consortium Courtesy: Unnikrishnan
Committees: National Steering Committee: Kailash Rustagi (IIT, Mumbai) [Chair] Bala Iyer (RRI) [Coordinator] Sanjeev Dhurandhar (IUCAA) [Co-Coordinator] D.D. Bhawalkar P.D. Gupta (RRCAT) J.V. Narlikar (IUCAA) G. Srinivasan International Advisory Committee Rana Adhikari (LIGO, Caltech, USA) David Blair (AIGO, UWA, Australia) Adalberto Giazotto (Virgo, Italy) P.D. Gupta (Director, RRCAT, India) James Hough (GEO, GWIC Chair; Glasgow, UK) Kazuaki Kuroda (LCGT, Japan) Harald Lueck (GEO, Germany) Nary Man (Virgo, France) Jay Marx (LIGO, Director, USA) David McClelland (AIGO, ANU, Australia) Jesper Munch (Chair, ACIGA, Australia) B.S. Sathyaprakash (GEO, Cardiff Univ, UK) Bernard F. Schutz (GEO, Director AEI, Germany) Jean-Yves Vinet (Virgo, France) Stan Whitcomb (LIGO, Caltech, USA) IndIGO structure Courtesy: Unnikrishnan
Indo-US centre for Gravitational Physics and Astronomy Centre of Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Exchange program to fund mutual visits and facilitate interaction. Nodal centres: IUCAA, India & Caltech, US. Institutions: Indian: IUCAA, TIFR, IISER, DU, CMI - PI: Tarun Souradeep US: Caltech, WSU - PI: Rana Adhikari APPROVED for funding (Dec 2010)
LIGO-Australia: Idea and Opportunity The NSF approved grand decision to locate one of the planned LIGO-USA interferometer detector at Gingin site, W. Australia to maximize science benefits like baseline, pointing, duty cycle, technology development and international collaboration. The proposal from Australian consortium envisages IndIGO as one of the partners to realize this amazing opportunity. - Indian contribution in hardware (end station vacuum system, and controls), Data centre, manpower for installation and commissioning.
Primary Considerations: 1)Identify definite deliverables 2)Build up the team for detector building in about 3 years 3)Prove credibility and establish research and training facility in the specific task of GW interferometers in about 3 years 1)Deliverables: End Vacuum Stations, PID Control Tasks, Tests and Validation, Simulations, Data handling and analysis strategies. 2)Team: 3 Full time and 5 part time (30%) possible in 3 years + 10 technical/engineering people + 5 post-docs, if there is funding. 3)Credibility, research and training: Advanced prototype interferometer IndIGO Experimenters: Unnikrishnan. C. S., Rajalakshmi, Jorge Fiscina, Rodrigues. P. G (TIFR), Suresh. D (Caltech post-doc), Saravanan (Univ. Pisa. Doctoral), Rajiv Kumar (IIT-R), Ajai Kumar, S. B. Bhatt (IPR) -vacuum), Ranjan Gupta (IUCAA, optics-operations). Consultant support: P. K. Gupta, S. K. Shukla, Sendhil Raja (RRCAT), Raja Rao (ex-RRCAT)
The IndIGO data analysis centre Propose for a high-throughput Computation and GW Data Archival Centre. Tier -2 centre with data archival and computational facilities Inter-institutional proposal for facility Will provide fundamental infrastructure for consolidating GW data analysis expertise in India. Courtesy: Anand Sengupta
Objectives of the data centre LIGO Data Grid as a role model for the proposed IndIGO Data Analysis Centre. Courtesy: Anand Sengupta
Need for a IndIGO data centre Large Tier-2 data/compute centre for archival of g-wave data and analysis Bring together data-analysts within the Indian gravity wave community. Puts IndIGO in the global map for international collaboration LSC wide facility would be useful for LSC participation Functions of the IndIGO data centre Data archival: Tier-2 data centre for archival of LIGO data. This would include data from LIGO-Australia. LIGO Data-Grid Tools for replication. Provide Computation Power: Pitch for about 8000 cores Compare with AEI (~5000 cores), LIGO-Caltech (~1400 cores), Syracuse cluster (~2500 cores). Main considerations for data centre design Network: gigabit backbone, National Knowledge Network. Indian grid! Dedicated storage network: SAN, disk space Electrical power, cooling, Air-Conditioning: requirements and design Layout of rack, cabling Hardware (blades, GPUs etc.), middleware (Condor, Globus), software (Data Monitoring Tools, LALApps, Matlab) IndIGO Data Courtesy: Anand Sengupta
Summary: data centre requirements 100 Tflops = 8500 cores x 3 GHz/core Need 8500 cores to carry out a half decent coherent search for gravitational waves from compact binaries. (1 Tflop = 250 GHz = 85 cores x 3 GHz / core) Storage: 4x100TB per year per interferometer. Cost ~ 25 crores (Comp. hardware alone) 3/4 crores startup - to facilitate the close Intl. interactions required with existing LSC data centres & labs. Large scale LD analysis tools training required. Summer internships, meetings/conference/schools,… As part of planned HPC data centre at IUCAA ? Courtesy: Anand Sengupta
Future GWDA Plans of IndIGO (as part of LSC) Project leads: Sanjit Mitra, T. Souradeep, S. Dhurandhar … Extend GW radiometer work (Mitra,Dhurandhar, TS,…2009) Implementation of the cross-correlation search for periodic sources (Dhurandhar + collab.) Burst Sources Formulation Implementation Courtesy: S. Dhurandhar
Vetoes for non-Gaussian noise for coherent detection of inspirals Project leads: Anand Sengupta, Archana Pai, M K Harris. Non-Gaussian noise plagues the detector data Vetoes have been developed in LSC for removal of non-Gaussian noise in the single detector case For coincidence search the veto is obvious but for coherent not so. Developing a veto for coherent is crucial – chi squared Scope for improving the current chi squared test – Japanese collaboration 8th February Delhi Courtesy: S. Dhurandhar
Tests of General Relativity using GW observations Project leads: K G Arun, Rajesh Nayak and Chandra Kant Mishra, Bala Iyer GWs are unique probes of strong field gravity. Their direct detection would enable very precise tests of GR in the dynamical and strong field regime. Preparing data analysis algorithms for AdvLIGO in order to test GR and its alternatives is one of the important and immediate goals of LSC. Plan to take part in the activity to develop parameter estimation tools based on Bayesian methods. Possible collaboration with B S Sathyaprakash (Cardiff University) & P Ajith (Caltech). Courtesy: S. Dhurandhar
Indo-US centre for Gravitational Physics and Astronomy Centre of Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Exchange program to fund mutual visits and facilitate interaction. Nodal centres: IUCAA, India & Caltech, US. Institutions: Indian: IUCAA, TIFR, IISER, DU, CMI - PI: Tarun Souradeep US: Caltech, WSU - PI: Rana Adhikari APPROVED for funding (Dec 2010)
LIGO-Australia: Idea and Opportunity The NSF approved grand decision to locate one of the planned LIGO-USA interferometer detector at Gingin site, W. Australia to maximize science benefits like baseline, pointing, duty cycle, technology development and international collaboration. The proposal from Australian consortium envisages IndIGO as one of the partners to realize this amazing opportunity. - Indian contribution in hardware (end station vacuum system, and controls), Data centre, manpower for installation and commissioning.