You know there are many kinds of spiders, but did you know there are many kinds of spider webs? The spider web is a big clue to the kind of spider that made it. When you know the different kinds of webs that spiders commonly make, you can make a pretty good guess about the kind of spider that left it.
WEB FACTS Spiders have silk spinning glands called spinnerets, at the tip of their abdomen. All spiders spin silk, but not all spiders spin webs. The spider’s body has an oil on it to keep the spider from sticking to it’s own web. Different spiders produce different types of silk. Silk can be sticky, dry or stretchy.
WHAT ARE WEBS USED FOR? Silk is used for climbing, to create webs, to build smooth walls in burrows, build egg sacs, and wrap prey. Many spiders use their silk for something called ‘draglines’. This is a rope-like web that helps the spider climb back home if they fall or let themselves drop. Different spiders produce different types of silk. Silk can be sticky, dry or stretchy. Surprisingly, silk is so strong that some spiders use it for traveling. With one end attached to a surface such as a tree branch, the spider will hang onto the end and let the wind carry it away. This is called ‘ballooning’ and can carry the spider many miles.
ORB SPIDERS The kind that you are probably most familiar with is made by Orb Spiders Their webs are shaped like spirals on lines. They are very beautiful. To maintain that beauty, orb spiders have to repair their webs at least once every day.
TRIANGLE SPIDERS Triangle Spiders make triangular webs. These webs sort of look like a slice of the webs make by orb spiders.
FUNNEL SPIDERS Funnel spiders make very interesting webs that might look like a bird's nest made of silk. They make sheets of silk and wrap them up to make funnels. The funnels have one big opening to catch prey. They also have one small opening in the back in case the spider needs to escape. These webs are not actually sticky. The spiders that make them are just better at moving around in their smooth funnel shape.
COBWEB SPIDERS Cobweb spiders make small, random messes of silk string that are attached to their surroundings by long strings. Cobweb spiders are also called comb-footed spiders. Abandoned webs are also called cobwebs