Video Conferencing and discussion boards as communication tools Pip Huyton – London Mathematics Challenge Coordinator London Mathematics Challenge
The context of the examples to follow:- On the square draw a line from the midpoint of the bottom edge to the top right hand corner. Cut along the line to make two pieces. Make shapes by joining the two pieces together Describe and explain what you find. London Mathematics Challenge
Mock Example of discussion board – teachers comments are real London Mathematics Challenge
Asynchronous Communication Eg. Message Boards London Mathematics Challenge Logistically it is relatively easy You can share, learn and develop You can have a closed group to encourage sharing You can make a contribution to a debate You hope that someone will read what you have posted You may get feedback
London Mathematics Challenge Example of Video Conference sharing
Next best thing to the real thing It’s easier to communicate with someone you can see You are in real time – virtually guaranteed a response You can easily share and annotate together Ideas can be developed more quickly You can reach beyond your own 4 walls or school Logistically it can be an issue London Mathematics Challenge Synchronous Communication Eg. Video Conferencing,
London Mathematics Challenge Always choose and use the appropriate technology for the task
NCETM Portal Click to Meet VC Software both freely accessible to London teachers London Mathematics Challenge