Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) Coming Soon to ‘Practice Name’
Electronic Prescription Service release 2 EPS 8 Feb 12 I can / can not attend the EPS event on Wednesday 8 February 2012 at The New Wheatsheaf, WF10 5PZ Please return slip to Tony Nicholas, Event Manager & Business Manager, NHS Wakefield District, White Rose House, West Parade, Wakefield, WF1 1LT. Alternatively Tel: Fax: Around 1.5 million paper prescriptions are issued every working day in England. With this figure continuing to rise by around 5% each year, there is a need to move towards a more efficient and consistently accurate electronic system that will be better able to cope with this continually increase. Nationally the rollout of EPS release 2 is now underway so please come and find out what it is all about and have your questions answered. An event for GPs & Practice Managers Wednesday 8th February 2012 The New Wheatsheaf, WF10 5PZ 11:30 — 15:30 Please come along and gain An overview and update on EPS Release 2 Fintan Grant, Connecting for Health The position and planned approach locally Julie M Howard, NHS Wakefield District What’s in it for you? The benefits of EPS for a practice Cheryl Cowley, Connecting for Health “We are now on the brink of the most exciting phase of the new Electronic Prescription Service in which patients, GPs and dispensers will all start to reap the true benefits of a full electronic service. Electronic repeat dispensing should be the jewel in the crown for everyone involved as patients won’t need to order their regular repeat prescriptions as often - improving convenience and reducing the workload placed on GP practices” “I am delighted to have been involved in the GP User Group which has contributed to the overall design of the Electronic Prescription Service, and look forward to using it in the near future” Anthony Kaye General Practitioner and GP User Group member To ensure you have reserved a place please return the attached reply slip promptly! Please return no later than Wednesday 25 January 2012 Electronic Prescription Service release 2 EPS 8 Feb 12 I can / can not attend the EPS event on Wednesday 8 February 2012 at The New Wheatsheaf, WF10 5PZ Please return slip to Tony Nicholas, Event Manager & Business Manager, NHS Wakefield District, White Rose House, West Parade, Wakefield, WF1 1LT. Alternatively Tel: Fax: Around 1.5 million paper prescriptions are issued every working day in England. With this figure continuing to rise by around 5% each year, there is a need to move towards a more efficient and consistently accurate electronic system that will be better able to cope with this continually increase. Nationally the rollout of EPS release 2 is now underway so please come and find out what it is all about and have your questions answered. An event for GPs & Practice Managers Wednesday 8th February 2012 The New Wheatsheaf, WF10 5PZ 11:30 — 15:30 Please come along and gain An overview and update on EPS Release 2 Fintan Grant, Connecting for Health The position and planned approach locally Julie M Howard, NHS Wakefield District What’s in it for you? The benefits of EPS for a practice Cheryl Cowley, Connecting for Health “We are now on the brink of the most exciting phase of the new Electronic Prescription Service in which patients, GPs and dispensers will all start to reap the true benefits of a full electronic service. Electronic repeat dispensing should be the jewel in the crown for everyone involved as patients won’t need to order their regular repeat prescriptions as often - improving convenience and reducing the workload placed on GP practices” “I am delighted to have been involved in the GP User Group which has contributed to the overall design of the Electronic Prescription Service, and look forward to using it in the near future” Anthony Kaye General Practitioner and GP User Group member To ensure you have reserved a place please return the attached reply slip promptly! Please return no later than Wednesday 25 January 2012 What is the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)? EPS is an NHS-funded service in England. It gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription to the healthcare professional you choose to get your medication or appliances from. Name(s): Practice Name: Telephone: Personal Requirements: Name(s): Practice Name: Telephone: Personal Requirements:
NHS What does this mean for you? If you currently collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP, you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription.
What does this mean for you? Instead, your GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time. You will have more choice about where to get your medication from because it can be collected from a pharmacy near where you live, work or shop.
What does this mean for you? You may also not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be more time for your repeat prescriptions to be prepared before you arrive.
How can you use EPS? If you wish to use EPS you will need to choose where you want your GP to send your electronic prescription. This is called ‘Nomination’. You can choose: A pharmacy A dispensing appliance contractor (if you use one) Your dispensing GP practice (if you are eligible). Once you have been given information about the service and provided consent, any of the healthcare professionals mentioned above can register your nomination on your behalf.
Don’t want to go to your GP practice every time to collect your repeat prescription Collect your medicines from the same place most of the time Already use a prescription collection service. NO – if you: Don’t get prescriptions very often Pick up your medicines from different places Travel or work away from home a lot. Is this service right for you? YES – if you have a stable condition and you:
Can I change my nomination or cancel it and get a paper prescription? Yes you can. Nomination is very flexible and can be changed or cancelled at any time. You can do this by either: Asking a member of staff at any Pharmacy, or Dispensing Appliance contractor that offers the service, or Asking a member of staff at your GP practice.
If you change your nomination or cancel it or want a paper prescription It is possible to recover a prescription if it has not been sent in accordance with your wishes, but this should not occur if you make your intentions clear when ordering your prescription. I If you don’t wish to use your nomination on a particular prescription, you should let your GP practice know before the prescription is issued otherwise it will be sent in accordance with your nomination. It is important to remember that you don’t have to use nomination on every occasion.
Is EPS reliable, secure and confidential? Yes. Your electronic prescription will only be seen by the same people that see your paper prescriptions now: Your GP practice Your Pharmacy NHS prescription payments NHS Fraud agencies. You can check your nomination status securely and confidentially at any GP practice, pharmacy, dispensing appliance contractors or dispensing GP practice that offers EPS.
If you think this service will be of benefit for you, please ask for a ‘Patient Nomination Request’ Booklet.
For more information about Electronic Prescription Service, including more common questions Please access the website at: or you can ask a member of staff at any: Pharmacy or Dispensing Appliance Contractor, or here at your GP practice