Dartmouth Middle School A RARE Place to Be! 8/16/20151
Student Concerns Can I open my locker? Can I open my locker? When do I eat? When do I eat? Am I in the right class? Am I in the right class? Will I make friends? Will I make friends? What if I get lost? What if I get lost? How will I get home? How will I get home? Where do I sit? Where do I sit? What are the rules of the class? What are the rules of the class? Will my teachers like me? Will my teachers like me? 8/16/2015 2
Parent Concerns Will my child be safe? Will my child be safe? How will I know what is going on? How will I know what is going on? Is the staff approachable and caring? Is the staff approachable and caring? Who do I communicate with at DMS? Who do I communicate with at DMS? Will they be challenged? Will they be challenged? How will they survive in a bigger school? How will they survive in a bigger school? How well are the students supervised? How well are the students supervised? Will they be responsive to my child’s needs? Will they be responsive to my child’s needs? 8/16/2015 3
Sixth Grade Orientation Day One ( September 2 nd ) Day One ( September 2 nd ) Team Building Team Building Student Expectations / Mindsets Student Expectations / Mindsets Lockers Lockers Paperwork Paperwork How to find homeroom in the AM How to find homeroom in the AM Meet the Special Area Teachers Meet the Special Area Teachers 8/16/2015 4
Sixth Grade Orientation Day Two (September 3 rd ) Day Two (September 3 rd ) Agenda books Agenda books School Rules / Policies / Procedures School Rules / Policies / Procedures Schedules Schedules Lunch Lunch RARE / Minute to Win It RARE / Minute to Win It Supply List Supply List Team Building Team Building 8/16/2015 5
Student Schedule 6 8/16/2015 MA ELA SC SS AC EB D F MA ELA SC SS
6 th Grade Block Teachers 1. Mrs. O’Malley & Ms. E. Wingate 2. Ms. Fisher & Mrs. Boyle 3. Mrs. Matteson & Mrs. Quinn 4. Ms. C. Wingate & Mrs. Bouchard 5. Ms. Sagar & Mrs. Mitchell 6. Mrs. Shea & Mrs. Lazaro 7. Mrs. Johansen & Ms. Jacob 8/16/2015 7
Academics / Special Areas Academic (Common Core Standards / MA Frameworks) Academic (Common Core Standards / MA Frameworks) ELA – Language of Literature ELA – Language of Literature Math – CMP 3 Math – CMP 3 Science – Earth, Life and Physical Science (MA NGSS) Science – Earth, Life and Physical Science (MA NGSS) History – World Geography History – World Geography Special Areas Special Areas PE, Health, Computer Basics, Art, Tech ED, Library Skills, Chorus, Family Consumer Science, Band, General Music, Academic Support, ELA Lab, and Math Lab 8/16/2015 8
General Information First Day for Students – Wednesday, September 2 nd First Day for Students – Wednesday, September 2 nd Open House – September 10 th Open House – September 10 th Agenda Books - Every student receives an agenda book at the start of the school year. Agenda Books - Every student receives an agenda book at the start of the school year. Summer Reading- Bystander (+4 other options) Summer Reading- Bystander (+4 other options) School Supplies - Please wait to buy student supplies until they are given a list by their block teacher. School Supplies - Please wait to buy student supplies until they are given a list by their block teacher. DMS Curriculum Guide- On website DMS Curriculum Guide- On website 8/16/2015 9
Standards Based Grading 10 8/16/2015 Content AreasComment Progressing in literacy MA/SC/SS/ELA - 83%Proficient in preparation Needs improvement in participation Progressing in practice Rating Scale Proficient=PFProgressing=PGNeeds Improvement=NI Trimester Report Cards and Mid-Terms
Attendance & Schedule Chapter 222 Attendance Law Chapter 222 Attendance Law School starts at 7:45 AM ( Homeroom at 7:30) School starts at 7:45 AM ( Homeroom at 7:30) Six 52 minute periods- 4 Academics 2 Special Areas Six 52 minute periods- 4 Academics 2 Special Areas Absences- Excused & Unexcused Absences- Excused & Unexcused Dismissal Dismissal 1 st Bus Trip- 2:05 pm 1 st Bus Trip- 2:05 pm Walkers-2:13 pm Walkers-2:13 pm 2 nd Bus Trip-2:23 2 nd Bus Trip-2:23 8/16/
Guidance / Academic Support 6 th Assistant Principal Mr. Rossi 6 th Assistant Principal Mr. Rossi 6 th Guidance Counselor Mrs. Caito-Galligan ( They will remain with this class for all 3 years at DMS.) 6 th Guidance Counselor Mrs. Caito-Galligan ( They will remain with this class for all 3 years at DMS.) RTI Team RTI Team Block Meetings Block Meetings Common Planning Common Planning Curriculum Planning Curriculum Planning 8/16/
Communication - information - information Phone calls – concerns / issues Phone calls – concerns / issues Voice mail Voice mail School website- School website- Announcements Announcements General Information General Information Curriculum Guides Curriculum Guides Calendar Calendar Alert Now Alert Now 8/16/
PBIS Initiative Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports 1. District and school wide initiative 2. PBIS coaches and team 3. Staff and student ownership 4. Create common behavioral expectation 5. Foster a positive school climate 8/16/
Transportation Bus Schedules will be released on the Dartmouth Public School Website. Bus Schedules will be released on the Dartmouth Public School Website. Cafeteria Students are seated by homeroom. Students are seated by homeroom. Set up an account using MySchoolBucks Set up an account using MySchoolBucks Tables are cleaned between shifts. Tables are cleaned between shifts. 8/16/
Bullying & Harassment DMS is in accordance with the MA State Law regarding the Bullying Policy. DMS is in accordance with the MA State Law regarding the Bullying Policy. Please see your child’s student handbook and/or the Dartmouth Public School Website regarding the Bullying Policy. Please see your child’s student handbook and/or the Dartmouth Public School Website regarding the Bullying Policy. Anti-Bullying Programs Anti-Bullying Programs Bystander Bystander Open House – Parent Information Night Open House – Parent Information Night Student Assembly Student Assembly Dartmouth Strong Dartmouth Strong Staff Training Staff Training 8/16/
After School & RARE (Respect, Accountability, Responsibility & Esteem) DMS After School Program DMS After School Program Spring and Fall Sessions Spring and Fall Sessions 10 Weeks for each session 10 Weeks for each session RARE Programs RARE Programs Family Night Family Night Dartmouth Strong Dartmouth Strong Amazing Race Amazing Race Talent Show Talent Show RARE Olympics RARE Olympics RARE Fair RARE Fair 8/16/