Part 1 Development and Demographics Bill Fuller
History of the Survey The idea of a Calculus survey was first suggested by Vickie Van Dresar from Ashland University when she was Section President in The idea was handed on to me by the previous chair of CONCUR, Rob-Roy Mace, Marshall University.
Development of the Survey At the Fall Section meeting of CONCUR in 2010, the members present, Chandra Dinavahi, Bill Fuller, Oliver Ruff, and David Stuckey, had a robust brain-storming session of possible ideas and topics for inclusion in a possible survey of Calculus teaching.
Development of the Survey During the winter of , the brain- stormed topics were put into a questionnaire format. The questionnaire was discussed and revised by CONCUR during the Spring Section Meeting, 2011.
Development of the Survey During the summer of 2011 the survey was tested in a pilot study on a group of about 10 people, including two past Section presidents. The Ohio MAA Calculus Survey was conducted as an survey in October, 2011, with the support of the National MAA office.
Development of the Survey The results were discussed by CONCUR during last Spring’s Section Meeting and CONCUR also met during this last summer to put together this presentation. About 90 Section members answered the questionnaire. This was an excellent response rate for an survey.
Question 17: Participation by Type of Academic Institution
Question 18: Gender
Question 19: Interval of time teaching in years
Part 2 Teaching Methods David Stuckey
Teaching Methods Straight Lecture Dialog Lecture Team Learning Moore Method I usually ____ for each entire class session. I usually ____ for a part of each class session. I usually ____ several times each week. I usually ____ several times during the course. I never use the method of ____.
Question 1: Straight Lecture AnswerResponse% Except for tests and quizzes, I usually lecture for each entire class session. 1719% When I’m not giving a test or a quiz, I usually lecture for a part of each class session, but not usually for the entire class session. 2528% I usually use straight lecturing several times each week, but not every class session. 1517% I usually use straight lecturing several times during the course, but not every week. 1011% I never use the method of straight lecturing.2124%
Question 2: Dialog Lecture AnswerResponse% Except for tests and quizzes, I usually use this method for each entire class session. 2225% When I’m not giving a test or a quiz, I usually use this method for a part of each class session, but not usually for the entire class session. 1922% I usually use dialog lectures several times each week, but not every class session. 2124% I usually use dialog lectures several times during the course, but not every week. 1416% I never use the method of dialog lectures.1214%
Question 3:Team Learning AnswerResponse% Except for tests and quizzes, I usually use this method for each entire class session. 00% When I’m not giving a test or a quiz, I usually use this method for a part of each class session, but not usually for the entire class session. 45% I usually use team learning several times each week, but not every class session. 910% I usually use team learning several times during the course, but not every week 4349% I never use the method of team learning.3136%
Question 4: Moore Method AnswerResponse% Except for tests and quizzes, I usually use this method for each entire class session. 00% When I’m not giving a test or a quiz, I usually use this method for a part of each class session, but not usually for the entire class session. 00% I usually use the Moore method several times each week, but not every class session. 11% I usually use the Moore method several times during the course, but not every week. 1012% I never use the Moore method.7587%
Question 5: Learning Styles AnswerResponse% I include some material for at least two different learning styles in every class session. 2428% I include some material for at least two different learning styles sometime during each week. 2023% I include some material for at least two different learning styles sometime during each course. 1416% I don’t utilize the theory of learning styles when I teach Calculus. 1922% I don't know what the theory of learning styles is. 1011%
Part 3 Use of Technology Anne Albert
Question 6: In your Calculus courses how often do you use each of the following? 6a) Percent response for Blackboards/whiteboards, overheads/ transparencies AnswerBlackboards/ Whiteboards Overheads/ Transparencies Every class87% 1 st - Gold 7% Several times a week, but not every class 6%9% Several times during the course, but not every week 0%28% Never7% 2 nd - Silver 56%
Question 6: In your Calculus courses how often do you use each of the following? 6b) Percent response for Elmo, SmartBoard, Tablet PC AnswerElmoSmartBoardTablet PC Every class3%9%7% Several times a week, but not every class 14%6%0% Several times during the course, but not every week 12%1%3% Never71%84%90%
Question 6: In your Calculus courses how often do you use each of the following? 6c) Percent response for Computer Simulations, Applets AnswerComputer Simulations Applets Every class0% Several times a week, but not every class 13%5% Several times during the course, but not every week 52%41% Never35%55%
Question 6: In your Calculus courses how often do you use each of the following? 6d) Percent response for Web CT, Moodle AnswerWeb CTMoodle Every class5%4% Several times a week, but not every class 2%7% Several times during the course, but not every week 5%1% Never88%
Question 6: In your Calculus courses how often do you use each of the following? 6e) Percent response for Internet, Publisher’s Website, Other Media/Devices AnswerInternetPublisher’s Website Other Media/ Devices Every class1%0%8% Several times a week, but not every class 3%0%16% Several times during the course, but not every week 41%19%24% Never54%81%51%
Question 6: In your Calculus courses how often do you use each of the following? 6f) Response for Facebook, Twitter, Vista AnswerFacebookTwitterVista Every class0% Several times a week, but not every class 0% Several times during the course, but not every week 0% 1% Never100% 99%
Question 7: In preparing materials for the course, how often do you use each of the following? 7a) Use of handwritten materials AnswerResponses Every class34 Several times a week, but not every class 11 Several times during the course, but not every week 19 Never23
Question 7: In preparing materials for the course, how often do you use each of the following? 7b) Use of general word processors AnswerResponses Every class14 Several times a week, but not every class 21 Several times during the course, but not every week 29 Never23
Question 7: In preparing materials for the course, how often do you use each of the following? 7c) Use of LaTeX or TeX AnswerResponses Every class12 Several times a week, but not every class 17 Several times during the course, but not every week 14 Never41
Question 7: In preparing materials for the course, how often do you use each of the following? 7d) Use of PDF files AnswerResponses Every class14 Several times a week, but not every class 17 Several times during the course, but not every week 32 Never23
Question 8: How often do you incorporate active use of symbolic processing software in your teaching of the course? QuestionEvery day Several times a week, but not every day Several times during the course, but not every week Never Derive11676 Maple Mathematica Sage10183 Matlab00481 Other software
Question 9: In communicating with students how often do you use each of the following? 9a) Face-to-face conferences, telephone conversations QuestionEvery daySeveral times a week, but not every day Several times during the course, but not every week Never Face-to-face Telephone014438
Question 9: In communicating with students how often do you use each of the following? 9b) , Web CT, Moodle, Electronic bulletin boards QuestionEvery daySeveral times a week, but not every day Several times during the course, but not every week Never WebCT42474 Moodle36171 EBB27865
Question 9: In communicating with students how often do you use each of the following? 9c) Department’s web site, personal web site QuestionEvery daySeveral times a week, but not every day Several times during the course, but not every week Never Department22573 Personal681256
Part 4 Assessment Methods Chandra Dinavahi
Question 10 Preferred practice for tests Response% Students may use no technology Students may use calculators, but no computers Students may use computers with symbolic manipulation software, but without access to the Internet. 22 Students may use computers, including access to the internet. 00 Students have the free choice of which technology to use 45 I prefer some other practice for technology use on quizzes, tests, and exams 56
Question 11 AnswerResponse% Students have the free choice of which calculator they use. 1930% Students may use any calculator except calculators which permit the use of symbolic manipulation software (such as Derive). 1016% Students may use any scientific graphing calculator as long as it doesn’t support symbolic manipulation software. 2336% Students may use only scientific calculators without graphing capabilities 46% Students may not use any calculators23% I prefer some other practice for calculator use on quizzes, tests, and exams 69%
Question 12 Testing instruments QuestionEvery daySeveral times a week, but not every day Several times during the course, but not every week NeverResponses Short answer questions (free response) Objective questions (multiple choice, matching, etc.) Problems (free response) Problems (guided response) Essays Journal entries Online assessment tools
Part 5 Topics in the Curriculum Anne Albert
Question 13: Topics In the teaching of Calculus there are some topics that every course must cover in order to be called “Calculus.” There are other topics that are sometimes covered, but sometimes are omitted due to time pressures, instructor preference, and so on. The purpose of this section is to poll your personal practice on some of these subsidiary topics. Please indicate what your practice is with respect to covering each of the following topics when you teach Calculus.
Question 13: Topics Covered - 13a) QuestionI cover this in every course I teach. I cover this if there is time, and there is usually time to do so. I cover this if there is time, and there is rarely time to do so. I never cover this in my courses. The chain rule83000 Proof of the chain rule The epsilon-delta definition of limit Proofs involving the epsilon-delta definition of limit
Question 13: Topics Covered - 13b) QuestionI cover this in every course I teach. I cover this if there is time, and there is usually time to do so. I cover this if there is time, and there is rarely time to do so. I never cover this in my courses. Linear approx. using the derivative Linear approx. using the differential Numerical approx. using Newton's method
Question 13: Topics Covered - 13c) QuestionI cover this in every course I teach. I cover this if there is time, and there is usually time to do so. I cover this if there is time, and there is rarely time to do so. I never cover this in my courses. Other numerical approx.techniques using the derivative Numerical approx. involving the integral: trapezoidal rule Numerical approx. involving the integral: Simpson's rule
Question 13: Topics Covered - 13d) QuestionI cover this in every course I teach. I cover this if there is time, and there is usually time to do so. I cover this if there is time, and there is rarely time to do so. I never cover this in my courses. Applications to ordinary differential equations Complex numbers Euler's notation for complex numbers
Question 15: Balance In the teaching of Calculus the question often comes up of maintaining a balance between time spent providing motivational examples and the pressure to cover all the topics in the syllabus. Which of the following statements best describes your current practice in maintaining the balance?
Question 15: Balance between covering the Syllabus and Motivational Examples AnswerResponse% I find that there is enough time to do both: cover the syllabus and develop motivational examples 3948% I find that there isn’t time enough to do both, and I usually give weight to the syllabus topics 3441% I find that there isn’t time enough to do both, and I usually give weight to motivational examples 79% I find that there isn’t time to do either.22%
Part 6 Classroom Management David Stuckey
Question 14: Which of the following best describes your practice in monitoring attendance in your Calculus courses? Answer Response % I monitor attendance every class meeting I monitor attendance more than once a week, but not every class I monitor attendance several times during the course, but not every week 8 10 I never monitor attendance
Question 16: How many times a week do the majority of the sections of Calculus that you teach meet? AnswerResponse% 1 session11% 2 sessions 1012% 3 sessions 1417% 4 sessions for 1 hour each 3239% 5 sessions for 1 hour each 1417% Some other schedule of class meetings 1012%
Sessions Per Week
For Further Information If you are interested in processing the raw data, please feel welcome to contact the chair of CONCUR.