P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 WIPO IT tools supporting the reformed IPC IPC FORUM Geneva, December 18, 2007 Patrick FIÉVET World Intellectual Property Organization
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Status of the IT support for IPC today IPC Reform and IT support IT support for IPC: Perspectives Agenda: IPC revision Use of the IPC files
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Status of the IT support for IPC today IPC Reform and IT support IT support for IPC: Perspectives IPC revision Use of the IPC files
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IT & IPC data production Revision of edition N+2 Publication of edition N Early access to edition N+1 RIPCIS MASTER FILES E forumforum IPC prototype, prototype TriWIKITriWIKI, Trilateral E- forum, Trilateral E- forum list servers validity transformation + CDROM,... Earlypub FR Translation Static IPC Internet pub Validity PDF paper
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IT & IPC data production today Revision of Publication of Early access to RIPCIS MASTER FILES E forumforum IPC prototype, prototype TriWIKITriWIKI, Trilateral E- forum, Trilateral E- forum list servers validity transformation + CDROM,... Earlypub FR Translation Static IPC Internet pub Validity PDF paper
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Consistency checking software Information systems : Master Classification Database (MCD) IP Offices, Commercial providers IPC based Services Transformations: # renditions, # formats, # extracts... Key role of IPC master files MASTER FILES XML RIPCIS
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 AL revision operations detailed planning
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Status of the IT support for IPC today IPC Reform and IT support Agenda: IPC revision Use of the IPC files IT support for IPC: Perspectives
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IPC upload in information systems WIPO- specific platform and rendition... Maximum portability Specific implementation MCD, IP-office-specific platforms and specific renditions... Translation other languages e.g. ES RIPC XML (e.g. ES) RIPC MASTER FILES EN + FR XML
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 WIPO IPC transformations RIPC MASTER FILES EN + FR CDROM (CL) Internet publication (N)N Split files (N)N Rollup table (N)N Listdef (N)N Valid IPC list (N) IPCPUBPREP Internet Early publication (N+1)N+1 Out-sourcing CDROM (AL) CL&AL PDF ( N ) N STATISTICS (N)N
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Other IPC Based services at WIPO TACSY : Natural Language search IPCCAT:Categorization IPC8 (ES)ES IP Offices RIPC MASTER FILES EN + FR IPC National Translation support Public IPCCAT: Categorization IPC7 (EN FR ES DE RU)EN FR ES DE RU
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Connection with IPC National support MASTER FILES EN + FR (N) IPCPUBPREP ES IPCPUBPREP IPC FILES ES (N-1) Internet pub EN/FRInternet pub ES IPC8CL Cdrom EN/FRIPC8CL Cdrom ES Static & PDF EN/FRStaticStatic & PDF ESPDF ES IPC Bridge IPC FILES ES (N) IPCDELTAIPCA6TRANS
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Role of the IPC Bridge Internet pub EN/FR Internet pub ES IPC8CL Cdrom EN/FRIPC8CL Cdrom ES PDF EN/FR PDF ES IPC Bridge TACSY (EN/FR)Trilateral E-forumIPC EforumNational patent collections (e.g. ES) Other classification systems
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IPC Tutorial: training training Assistance tools for IPC EPO: EPOQUE (SEA) through Trinet USPTO: PUBWEST through Trinet IPC reclassification: WIPO internal use:
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Administration and user support Centralized IPC users databaseCentralized IPC users database: Generic s support : and List servers: IPC calendar:
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Key role of the MCD MCD IPC Master files WIPO IPC Reclassification Web site IPC Reclassification monitoring IPCCAT IPC8 retraining
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IPC reclassification and WIPO MCD WIPO IPC public Reclassification Web site IPC Reclassification monitoring IPC Reclassification automation IPC Offices WIPO IPC restricted Reclassification Web site
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Status of the IT support for IPC today IPC Reform and IT support IT support for IPC: Perspectives Agenda: IPC revision Use of the IPC files
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Streamline IT support for IPC information access + Consolidation of IT support procedures for IPC revision and publication + Further support IPC promotion through IT tools for IP offices (e.g. IPCPUBPREP, IPCA6TRANS, IPCCAT, TACSY…) + Further streamline IT operation support (e.g shared IPC bridge, reduce number of IPC viewers)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 CL & AL revision operations detailed planning
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Reduce portfolio of IT systems for the support for IPC + Centralize IPC and its IT support, FAQ + Systems to be phased-out from ITOS IT inventory :ITOS IT inventory Prototyping system (IBIS) IPCVAL for Member States (keep only public IPCVAL) JOPAL IPC validation
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 New developments for IPC + IPC Internet publication redesign (reclassification information) + Develop IPC search functionality ( IPCLASS-like) + Develop IT support updates through Download (e.g. IPCPUBPREP) + Redesign PDF IPC for easier update + Manage pre-Reform IPC editions
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Patent documents Categorization for Cross lingual Reclassification Patent documents Clustering for IPC residual places Future use of MCD for IPC support WIPO IPC Reclassification Web services MCD IPC Master files WIPO IPC Reclassification Web site IPC Reclassification monitoring IPCCAT IPC8 retraining IPC Reclassification monitoring IPCCAT IPC8 retraining
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IPC symbol VALIDATION service: IPCVAL Implementation as WEB service with SOAP interface (to automate IPC validation for patent documents to be published) Plans:
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IPC Internet publication preparation: IPCPUBPREP toolkit AUTOMATION to reduce preparation delays Harmonize national IPC publications (functionality and presentation) IPC Maintenance costs reduction through centralized IT support by WIPO Interest: ES, NL, BR/PT, GR, PL, RU
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IT & RIPC Map Revision of edition N+2 Public edition N Early access to edition N+1 RIPCIS IBIS & Master files E forum IPCVAL_4MS IPC Web site Master files & transforms IPC_pub_EN_FR IPC_Early_pub IPCCATTACSY restricted IPCVAL IPCA6TRANS IPC_pub_XX
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Assistance for translation of the RIPC into non-authentic languages : IPCA6TRANS toolkit Input: RIPC XML master files (EN & FR) Output: ready for preparation of internet publication in specific language (e.g. ES)ES See presentation IPCA6TRANS_CE37_PF.ppt IPCA6TRANS_CE37_PF.ppt
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Categorization assistance in the IPC: Plans EN/FR Retraining with IPC8 classified documents from MCD and EPO full-text corpora Standalone version based on IPC8-CL Cd-rom (ES) IPCCAT More secure submissions (done for ES) Study IPC categorization at group level (ES) More languages (Chinese, Korean, …)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Categorization assistance in the IPC: Plans EN/FR Retraining with IPC8 classified documents from MCD and EPO full-text corpora Extension to Chinese, Korean IPCCAT More secure submissions (i.e. HTTPs in progress) Study IPC categorization at group level (ES)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Natural Language search in the IPC TACSY Extend to more language as requested by offices (ES, NL) Monitor user satisfaction Plans
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 From ITOS Section : 1 administrative assistant, 1 professional missing (IT operations and IT maintenance). IT operations and support Resources for EN/FR support From Outside WIPO: 4 contracts. One company went bankrupt in August 2007, 2 pending RFPs for IT operations. From IT Division: 4 professionals provide support when other business priorities allow (IT maintenance)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Inside WIPO: 1 professional, 1 intern, 1 administrative assistant (shared with IT support for IPC in EN/FR) IT operations and support Resources for ES support Outside WIPO: Contracts shared with IT support for IPC in EN/FR From IT Division: 4 professionals provide support when other business priorities allow (shared with IT support for IPC in EN/FR)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Questions / Answers IT for IPC: contact WIPO at WIPO IT tools supporting the reformed IPC
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 Thank you WIPO IT tools supporting the reformed IPC
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 IPCCAT IPC navigator (hyperbolic tree)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 RIPCIS screen shot RIPCIS IPC viewer (discussion view)
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 In section A only Both languages Modify text only (detailed mode) compared project RIPCIS annex viewer
P.Fiévet December 18, 2007 RIPCIS: IBIS: IPC- IEF: IPC Revision Advanced Level Translation into French MultiTRANS translation memories