Evaluations and recommendations for a user support toolkit Christine Cahoon George Munroe
User support toolkit 1 ETINU 2 Survey 3 Recommendations Overview
ETINU enable and encourage network users promoting effective online support using network services discussion list—300 members works with IETF User Services Area project funded by TERENA Environment To Inspire Network Users
ETINU gather information on current user support working practice and requirements report contains: summary of the survey findings descriptions of support related software with example sites using an online support approach a set of recommendations which includes a theoretical framework for an online support system use simple network tools to provide effective elements of support Project
ETINU all information exchange via computer interface support system integrate with as many information resources and media as possible interfaces should be easy to ‘learn’ and simple to use some level of support available 24 hours a day users able to help themselves support activity monitored Principles
Survey collect details of what software currently used determine most successful aspects of support environments reported other aspects of user support questioned including: provision for users to help themselves numbers of staff and users involved user and staff satisfaction of service Objectives
Survey 335 repondents from 258 named sites in 25 countries—managers, local support staff, users, systems staff, national staff Results Role of individual replying User 41 Local support 94 National support 30 Systems 41 Manager 127
Survey if a site begins to use a network service then it is likely to use another network service Results Main method of providing support None of these Web 10 Telephone 161 Interview 71
Survey effort directed more at maintaining a basic service, rather than using full potential of software Results User submission of queries No 225 Yes 110 Query progress reporting No 208 Yes 127 Access to knowledgebase No 223 Yes 112 Computer telephony integration No 312 Yes 23
Survey use of phone increases as numbers of users and staff increase—need to introduce a more scalable service Results Users with access to support Do not know 7 Full staff providing support Do not know 9
Survey many queries can be automatically dealt with from answers from past queries Results % answerable from past queries 0-10% % % % 67 60%+ 63 Do not know 18
Survey overall satisfaction of a support system lower for non- English respondents compared to English respondents Results
Survey 70% believe standard approach to provision of online user support is very important Results
Recommendations An ideal online support system 1 accept query and convert to common format 2 store query and 'label' appropriately 3 update query and response status 4 semi-automated FAQ compiler and editor 5 indexer and corresponding search facility 6 automatic reporting of support activity 7 annotation facility for URL insertion 8 set of tools for 'synchronous' interaction
remote web local queries index interface FAQ
remote web 1 local queries index interface
FAQ remote web 1 2 local queries index interface
FAQ remote web local queries index interface
FAQ remote web local queries index interface
FAQ remote web local queries index interface
FAQ remote web local queries index interface
FAQ remote web local queries index interface
FAQ remote web local queries index interface
Das ist ETINU!
specific software matching system components not available a choice of tools from a ‘toolkit’ would enable selective implementation rather than complete solution possible software identified which could be adapted in part or whole Recommendations Implementation—software
use of web and widespread those providing online support, use an discussion list—some accessible from web page could be set up from different support areas with separate FAQ section for each area moderator oversee list ensuring queries are resolved feedback, staff become proactive in improving a service Recommendations Implementation—network resources
as computers, users and problems increase, need to change the way support is delivered large organisations with many departments with different equipment—appointing staff to help each other ‘technical jargon’ free information not restricting support to staff—volunteers can add their expertise Recommendations Implementation—staff
1 define support standards 2 assess current use of and web 3 consider core resources 4 consider processes 5 explore available software 6 consider staff organisation and well being Recommendations Checklist
User support toolkit 1 ETINU 2 Survey 3 Recommendations Overview
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Environment To Inspire Network Users ETINU