Eurostat Round table CSPA & Big data
ESS perspective A system of NGOs with a long tradition of cooperation ( ESSnet CORE …) Eurostat is coordinating the system funding common statistical infrastructure development and their integration in the ESS
CSPA in the ESS context Sharing of existing and future process components/services Providing runtime services to the system e.g. Final validation Data and metadata service
CSPA value Establish a unique reference Leverage of distributed/corporate investments Technology agnostic
ESS implementation principles Promote agreed industry standard Use it to build common components and to share developments among ESS partners
CSPA/"shared service" action plan Implement governance model at ESS level Set up centre of competence around "plug and play/shared service" Study technological alternative and foster reference implementation (CORE V1.0 in ISTAT)
CSPA and Big Data Big Data is a relatively new/research domain – current focus is on exploring sources and opportunities Both methodology and IT issues
Big data – opportunities Big data is an area where international collaboration/specialisation is necessary/desirable (sources will not have borders) CSPA provides a framework for leveraging IT development in this area
Big data – ways forward Evaluate current application architecture patterns to cope with "Big Data" Analyse the impact on our current metadata architecture