WHY I CHOSE THIS TOPIC Microsoft Hololens
NOT JUST A GAMER’S TERRAIN Misconception that virtual reality is only for use by gamers Oculus Rift First development for consumer market in gaming industry More pleasurable gaming experience through use of sensors Immersion into field of gaming
VIRTUAL REALITY IN THE MILITARY Actual combat and boot camp Air force Flight simulators teach flying skills, how to deal with an emergency, and communication with ground control Combat simulators new recruits are trained in skills and techniques necessary to task effectively wear virtual reality glasses or head mounted displays (HMD), complete with a tracking system that displays a series of images within the virtual environment which move as the recruit changes the position of his/her head Contain a series of scenarios Changes in weather conditions
VIRTUAL REALITY IN HEALTHCARE Surgery simulation, phobia treatment, robotic surgery, and skills training Learn new skills, in a safe environment, without causing any danger to the patients HumanSim engage in training scenarios in which they interact with a patient within a 3D environment the participant’s emotions are measured via multiple sensors PTSD the patient is exposed to triggers for their condition and they slowly learn to adjust to them or develop coping strategies whenever they are placed in a new situation
VIRTUAL REALITY IN HEALTHCARE Medical schools and other similar settings Robotic surgery surgery is executed by means of a robotic device-controlled by a human surgeon, which reduces time along with the risk of complications
VIRTUAL REALITY IN BUSINESS Able to view products from all angles giving a 360 ⁰ view to production companies and consumers Test prototypes to see they if they are functional and can be used by the consumer Predominantly useful for companies who produce dangerous or possibly harmful products which need to be assessed before use Meeting space, which is not constrained by geography Virtual tour
VIRTUAL REALITY IN ENGINEERING Model designs Use of 3D modeling tools and visualization systems as part of the design process Greater understanding of how their projects function Car manufacturers also use it for prototyping purposes during the design process This removes the need to build a physical prototype and as a result speeds up the development stage
THE MOST IMPORTANT IMPACT OF VIRTUAL REALITY Conservation of money Military and healthcare systems Used to reduce costs by having virtual training and equipment Fields of business and engineering Used to develop prototypes virtually, eliminating the need to physically build failed models of prototypes Once the average individual is able to use virtual reality in his/her home, the extent to which it can reduce costs is far-reaching.
WORKS CITED "ARMY.MIL, The Official Homepage of the United States Army." Virtual Reality Used to Train Soldiers in New Training Simulator. U.S Army, 1 Aug Web. 23 Mar Casti, Taylor. "6 Ways Virtual Reality Is Already Changing The World (No Facebook Required)." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 28 Mar Web. 23 Mar Fox, Jesse, Dylan Arena, and Jeremy N. Bailenson. "Virtual Reality: A Survival Guide for the Social Scientist." Journal of Media Psychology 21.3 (2009): Web. 22 Mar Sherman, William R., and Alan B. Craig. Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and Design. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann, Print. Smith, Dave. "3 Virtual Reality Products Will Dominate Our Living Rooms by This Time next Year Read More: Business Insider. MongoDB, 6 May Web. 6 May "Virtual Reality." Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality Blog, Web. 22 Mar 2015.