IRU Academy initiatives – focus on road safety Ufa, 13 May 2015 Larissa Dobrukha, TCC AIRCU, IRU Academy AC Chairperson
2 What is Globalisation? Source: IRU Road Transport has become a vital production tool! The combined efforts of 29 companies in 18 countries What does it take to have a cup of coffee in a café?
3 1. Good infrastructure 2. Harmonised legislative frameworks to facilitate trade and international road transport 3. Service excellence Necessary conditions to allow road transport to drive trade, hence economic development
4 Transport of people and goods is a specific activity which takes place on the public domain. To function well, it needs to rely on a harmonised level playing field and industry best practices to guarantee safe, secure and efficient services Harmonised legislative frameworks to facilitate trade and international road transport
5 Service excellence The road transport industry needs: To be safe and secure vis-à-vis other road users To be efficient and competitive to drive progress and prosperity Conditions and criteria for access to profession
6 Quality requirements to operate in the industry Professional Competence Good reputation Financial standing Service excellence for transport quality
7 In a competitive environment, any economy will only succeed if it can rely on skilled professionals to drive progress and prosperity Service excellence
8 Focus on Priorities – Road Safety – Main Cause: The Human Factor Investigation of 624 accidents showed the main cause of the accident is the human error Source: EU, IRU However, from the 85.2% linked to human error, 75% were caused by other road users!
9 Accident Analysis ETAC – A Scientific Study Results confirmed by other studies European Truck Accident Causation Study (ETAC) : Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS): Volvo European Accident Research:
10 Road Safety – Specific Strategy The IRU supports all measures that improve road safety if they effectively target the main causes of accidents involving professional vehicles
11 IRU efforts on improving road safety acknowledged by the UN Road Safety Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on April 11, 2014 UN Road Safety Resolution acknowledges IRU’s contribution to saving lives
12 How to avoid this?
13 IRU Academy Key Programmes
14 CPC Driver programme Targets: High professionalism; Road safety; Effectiveness ; Image of Profession SAFE DRIVER In full compliance with UN Consolidated Resolution on Road Traffic and Directive 59/2003/EC Driver’s Qualification - a key component to ensure the safe and efficient commercial operations
15 IRU Academy CPC Driver programme Detailed Lesson plans available for category C & D Instructor resources Reference Materials Best Practices Practical guidelines Question Bank Case Studies
16 IRU Academy ADR training programme
17 IRU Academy Interactive Programme on Safe Loading and Cargo Securing Interactive simulation environment Calculator: Specific and practical advices Latest International Reference Standard EN :2010 Industry reference guidelines
18 IRU Academy ECO Driving training programme Why ECO Driving? Less fuel consumption Less CO 2 Fewer accidents Lower maintenance costs Less goods damaged Improved road safety Better producing and more aware drivers
19 IRU Academy Tachograph Programme Full compliance with the AETR Agreement and EU Regulations 3821/85/EC and 2135/98/EC (on recording equipment in road transport), 561/2006/EC (on driving and rest times rules) In EU countries - non-observance of drivers’ work & rest standards & severe infringements is subject to a fine of up to 30,000 Euros – in some cases, imprisonment up to 6 months !
20 Crash Prevention Programme 1-day classroom-based programme on crash prevention, compatible with periodical training format Highly visual combines simulation playbacks, on-board camera footage, and various videos Highly practical Evocative real-life crash cases illustrate the theory Highly engaging Focus on group discussions and crash case analysis Story-based The course is introduced by the story of a fatal crash, told by the truck driver Includes next generation truck simulator software license
21 Simulator
22 Page 22 Road safety Awards and Drivers Contests in cooperation with social and commercial partners
24 Worldwide Excellence in Road Transport Professional Training