HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 1 Quartz Plate R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, A. Albayrak, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky,


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Presentation transcript:

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 1 Quartz Plate R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, A. Albayrak, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L. Cremaldi, E. Ellison The University of Mississippi

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 2 Summary of last presentation… We tested UVT and Quartz plates, UV absorbing wavelength shifting fibers and liquids. Also, wrapping materials: Tyvek and Al-Mylar. CERN Fermilab –Jan’ Fermilab Cerenkov light collected from quartz plates with WLS fibers reached 25% of regular HE plates. Low-OH Polymicro solarization quartz is our choice over high- OH Polymicro. Peace fiber geometry collected light more efficiently. Small plate size is better.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 3 From last presentation… GE-Quartz should be compared to Polymicro. Radiation damage tests need to be done. Surface scan studies should be completed. Liquid WLS with quartz capillaries need to be investigated. Should work on new quartz tubes and capillaries. Salycylic Acid was used as wavelength shifter with GE-Quartz. Pterphenyl needs to be investigated as a WLS material to increase light.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 4 Radiation Damage Studies Seven sets of quartz in the form of fiber are irradiated in Argonne IPNS for 313 hours. The fibers were tested for optical degradation before and after 17.6 Mrad of neutron and 73.5 Mrad of gamma radiation. REM Hole Diagram Test Setup

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 5 Radiation Damage Studies Low OH solarization quartz is a better UV transmitter than High-OH quartz. Polymicro manufactured a special radiation hard solarization quartz plate.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 6 Surface Uniformity Tests We tested all quartz fiber geometries for surface light collection non-uniformities with UV-LED (380nm), Nitrogen Laser(337nm), and Mercury lamp.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 7 Surface Uniformity Tests S-Shape gives more uniform signal. All the others have a surface nonuniformity around 60%.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 8 UV Reflective Material Tests We tested Aluminized Mylar, German Mylar, HEM, and Tyvek. Only Aluminized-Mylar and Tyvek are UV-sensitive. Aluminized-Mylar is ~7 times better reflective material then Tyvek.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 9 Univ. of Mississippi Tests Pterphenol (PTP) is a fast WLS and Scintillator (  ~1ns). Quartz plates can be wrapped in foil+ptp wrappers. Or ptp can directly be deposited on quartz plates. Radiation tests in progress. Making test beam plans for CERN quartz ptp + wrapper fiber

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 10 Pterphenol Tests Pterphenol crystals placed between quartz and Tyvek. A large light enhancement is seen. Additional light yield dominated by PTP scintillation property. PTP must be tested for radiation hardness - optimistic. Quartz ¼” PTP-on-Tyvek RCA8854 BlueEnhanced Sr90 quartz ADC COUNT (1/4pC/count) 1 pe Scintillation (95%) + wls (5%) Quartz + PTP Only Quartz

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 11 PTP Radiation Tests Dry PTP samples are mixed in Toluene. A liquid C14 source is dissolved into the vial. The scintillation vial is inserted into a scintillation counter/MCA and rates recorded vs dose. Cs137  source ~1.5 MRad/dy. (Mississippi). Neutron irradiations being set up Argonne. IUCF - Indiana Cyclotron. (20MRad ~ 5e14 n/cm2 ) PMT scintillation vial MCA Counter light enclosure

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 12 PTP Radiation Tests C14 Beta 15MRad Toluene + PTx + C / 100s 15 MRad Cs137  Toluene + PT + C / 100s 0 MRad Cs137  beta spectrum No difference 156 KeV

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 13 Fairfield University Studies Liquid Core WLS Quartz Capillaries 0.8mm OD, 0.7 mm ID, 25 mm coating Benzyl Alcohol and POPOP WLS Top 2 – 0.65 mm quartz “plugs” in the ends bottom 2 – quartz “cup” 0.85mm ID, 1.1 mm OD capped ends

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 14 Quartz Capillary Properties mm wall thicknesses, mm ID Kapton, polyimide buffer coatings Liquid Cores: Benzyl Alcohol (n~1.55 -most tests), Methylnaphthalene (n~1.61) WLS at present limited to PPO, POPOP, bisMSB (for simplicity) Ends plugged with: “plugs” or “caps” from fused quartz; plugs held at present with few microns of optical epoxy.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 15 Plastic & Quartz Capillaries Maximum length of liquid core fibers produced = 2.8 m (limited by ceiling height) Filling uses vertical vacuum/liquid column, then hand plugging Bubbles (compromises in rig) prevent full measurements (limited by size of bath tray for hand plugging)

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 16 Numerical Aperture Rig Laser external injection or WLS Capture Measures input, output light cone angles and intensities Stepper motor settable; PMT or cooled Si Clear Test Fiber – manufacturer quotes N.A.=0.60 External Laser Injection. Measured N.A.= / (fraction transmitted vs sin angle)

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 17 Quartz Capillaries WLS Liquid Core Quartz Capillary N.A.~ 0.26 by Ext. Injected laser Light Asymmetry from canted endplug ~ 2-3 degrees off perpendicular by micro-inspection UV Stimulated->visible WLS Light UV laser illumination perpendicular to fiber WLS Liquid Core Quartz Capillary N.A. = 0.23, by trapped WLS light Varying distance of UV spot along fiber: <5% variation xmitted intensity over a distance of 6-30 cm from fiber end (large effect 1<d<5 cm)

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 18 Quartz Capillary Summary WLS liquid core fibers with robust cladding demonstrated Measured N.A. and capture consistent with core, cladding refractive indices Observed attenuation of WLS trapped light less than 5% over ~1 foot lengths Simple fill methods need some improvement Endplugs need refinement Need more UV transparent or no buffer

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 19 Future Plans Every institution will continue with their local tests. We are ready for the next step : “Quartz Plate Calorimeter Prototype” Geant4 simulation of 50 GeV electron with a 50mm copper absorber, 5 mm quartz plate prototype calorimeter.

HCAL Fall Meeting 10/15/2005, Fermilab 20 Quartz Plate Calorimeter Prototype Planning & Simulations until Jan’06 Construction end of Feb’06 Fermilab Test Beam March’06 Cern Test Beam Summer 06. Geant4 simulation of 25 GeV pion with a 50mm copper absorber, 5mm quartz plate prototype calorimeter.