DEPOSITS All fund deposits must be made within 24 hours of receiving the funds. Deposits include any money received in the form of coins, currency, checks, money orders, and travelers checks. Student Clubs and Organizations are required to log receipts of all funds on the Student Organization Deposit Slip. Deposits can be made between 9:30am – 6:00pm in the CSI Office (SC 227) If for any reason the office is closed, or it is after these hours, the funds can be brought to either Information Desk for holding, they should not be brought home with the organization. If for any reason the Information Desk is closed, the funds must be held at the Campus Police Station. Effective January, 2015
STUDENT ORGANIZATION DEPOSIT SLIP The pink box indicates Organization Name, Account Number (you will always deposit into 815) and the information of who is making the deposit. The blue box indicates the deposit details. All cash will be added and take one line item, checks must be listed individually. The green box indicates the CSI Staff worker who is taking and checking your deposit, you may ask for a copy of this form for your club records. The red box is a reminder of deposit procedures. Effective January, 2015