DSCB Self Evaluation December 2014 update
Self Evaluation Regular refresh Feedback from Board Members Outcomes Focused Compare and contrast with other Boards Context of OFSTED Framework Contributes to the Business plan
Operational Arrangements Executive Established Board focusing on in-depth reviews Building capacity with Torbay Positive feedback from Members Sub-groups functioning Clear expectations of DSCB staff
Operational arrangements Not enough capacity to support SCRs Some key positions unfilled Better understanding needed of how work is tracked and groups link Ensuring the work of the Executive is understood by whole Board
Contribution of Partners Section 11 process underway Good attendance at the Board and Executive Good support of sub groups Early help arrangements progressing Positive endorsement of the threshold tool and escalation process Key investments in the MASH
Contribution of Partners Poor attendance by some agencies at Initial and Review conference Drop outs from core groups and narrow agency focus Pace of change sometimes too slow Too much churn of personnel Local Forums in early stages Multi-agency Training programmes not universally supported
Quality Assurance Arrangements Performance information more multi-agency Refreshed safeguarding JSNA Audit process happening and lessons being understood by DSCB Meetings with young people Board in-depth reviews have been effective Use of single agency audits
Quality Assurance Arrangements Oversight of Early help arrangements developing More systematic engagement with children and young people needed Evaluation of Training and its impact still work in progress Dissemination of learning locally variable
Work with Adult Agencies Regular links with Adult Safeguarding Board Regular reports from MACA and MARAC Think Family Protocol Joint training with Adult Mental Health and Children's Services
Working with Adult Services Lack of tool for aggregating risks to children Step down protocol recently agreed Better understanding by adult services of vulnerable children Involvement in multi-agency training
Other Developing challenge role of the DSCB New website and regular communication Setting up of Education sub group Sub-Regional Health Group
Other Develop better working relationships with local groups Strengthen sub-groups and links between them Monitor new LADO arrangements Encourage more robust challenge between agencies
Priorities Training Programme that engages all agencies and is effective Strengthen local multi-agency arrangements Voice of children and young people and families Ensure effective supervision across all agencies