Briefing to UNFPA on UNHCR Operations Geneva 07 February 2007
UNHCR at a Glance Number of Countries Number of Offices Staff members Staff in field 5,607 (84%) Ratio of staff to people of concern Number of NGOs as IPs States party to 1951 Convention & 1967 Protocol ,689 5,607 (84%) 1:3,
UNHCR Structure HQ – Geneva (Departments & Divisions) Regional- and Country Offices (Representation) Sub-Offices Field Office Antennae Office & Field Units
Divisions & Departments at HQ Executive Direction and Management Department of International Protection Department Operations (DOS & Bureaux) Division of External Relations (incl. Donor Relations & Resource Mobilisation, NGO Liaison Unit etc.) Division of Human Resource Management Division of Information Systems and Telecommunications
Bureaux Africa Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Central Asia & South East Asia (CASWA) Asia & Pacific Europe Americas
UNHCR Refugees and IDPs
UNHCR refugees and IDPs
Total Financial Requirements 2006 US$1,145,297, US$1,056,181,530
Funding > 98% Voluntary contributions Bi-annual budgeting from 2008/09 Annual accounting and reporting
Country Report Country Operations Plan ORB sets the Global Budget Mid-Year Review Excom approves Budget Joint Strategic Planning Exercise GLOBAL REPORT Funding Projections Informal consultation with Donors Mid-Year Financial Report Donor Mission GLOBAL APPEAL Standing Committee Executive Committee Pledging Conference DEC NOV OCT SEP August Review AUG JUL JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN GOVERNANCE MEETINGS DRRM UNHCR PROGRAMME CYCLE Global Resource Allocation – the Calendar August Review
Programme Structure A Country Operation consists of one or more programmes A Programme is established for each distinct beneficiary population or common theme A Project is established for each type of operation (EM/CM/RP/LS/RE) within the Programme Each Project is developed around a Hierarchy of Objectives (Goal(s) - Objectives - Outputs) A Sub-Project is a part of a project undertaken by an implementing partner in a single currency
Implementation UNHCR Host Government Implementing Partner (IP) Operational Partners
Global Strategic Objectives Global objectives are determined each year and operations are planned in order to achieve them fully or partially.
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