TechNet Build’06 “The Secure Well Managed Infrastructure Tour”
TechNet Build’06 Session 2: Dealing With Change
Goals for the Session Investigate how to create your own ‘gold images’ for Operating System Deployment. Demonstrate how to deploy new operating using ‘Light Touch’ with the OS Deployment feature pack Show how you can do effective patch management
Operating System Deployment BDDStandardEnterprise Customer Workstations 500+ Workstations EffortLight Touch Light Touch/ Zero Touch Media for InstallCD/DVD Network CD/DVD Infrastructure LAN (AD Recommended) LAN with Active Directory Automating Desktop Deployment The Business Desktop Deployment Toolkit
Installation CD’s / DVD’s (manual) 3 rd Party Imaging Software Vhd’s in the virtualized world SMS 2003 with the OS Deployment Feature Pack –Used by the Business Desktop Deployment suite –Capable of new computer install and refreshes OS –Adds support to SMS 2003 for deploying new OS images to desktops in a distributed environment –Uses WIM image format: Saves local data –Supports custom scripts and migration tools –Requires SMS 2003 Service Pack 1 & Above What tools are there to help me?
Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 Application Deployment Asset Management Security Patch Management Leveraging Windows Management Services OS Deployment
Image Capture Process
Creating the ‘gold image’ Capturing the Reference System
Image Distribution Process
Deploying the ‘gold image’ Imaging the workstation
Patch Management Tools Manual Updating Windows Update Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Systems Management Server (SMS)
WSUS Deployment considerations Before you deploy WSUS, consider the following issues. –Whether WSUS is the best choice –Single server or hierarchy of servers –Client groupings If you use Group Policy objects (GPO) to set Automatic Updates, consider grouping clients by organizational unit –What products and update classifications to support –Whether to automatically detect updates –Whether to automatically approve updates
Server downloads updates from Microsoft Update Clients register themselves with the server Administrator puts clients in different target groups Administrator approves updates Automatic Update Service installs administrator- approved updates Administrator subscribes to update categories Microsoft Update WSUS Server Desktop clients Target Group 1 Server clients Target Group 2 WSUS Administrator How WSUS works
Patch Management Windows Software Updated Services
Summary Assess –What do I have? Where do I need to get to? Identify –What Updates? Are they relevant? Evaluate and Plan –Critical or delayed response? Testing? Deploy Report
Additional Information SMS 2003 planning and Deployment guide mspx SMS 2003 OS Deployment Feature Pack SMS Patch Management Guide atch.mspx Windows Server Update Services /updateservices/default.mspx
Basic Rationalized Virtualized Service- Based Standardized Infrastructure resources pooled Services managed holistically Uncoordinated infrastructure Standard resources, configurations Consolidate to fewer Policy/Value- Based Dynamic optimization to meet SLAs Objective Ability to Change Pricing Scheme Where am I and where can I go? Business Interface Resource Utilization Organization IT Management Processes Reduce complexity Weeks Fixed costs Class-of- service SLAs Known Central control Reactive - Proactive Life cycle management Economies of scale Weeks to days Reduced, fixed costs Class-of- service SLAs Rationalized Consolidated Proactive Mature problem mgmt Flexibility, reduce costs Weeks to minutes Fixed shared costs Flexible SLAs Shared pools Pooled ownership Proactive Prediction, dynamic capacity Service- level delivery Minutes Variable usage costs End-to-end SLAs Service- based pools Service- oriented Service End-to-end service management React Months to weeks None, ad hoc No SLAs Unknown None Chaotic – Reactive Ad hoc Business agility Minutes to seconds Variable business costs Business SLAs Policy-based sharing Business- oriented Value Policy management
Join us for the next session on “Monitoring from the Inside Out”