Nicole Naditz, M.Ed, NBCT Google Certified Teacher Sacramento County Teacher of the Year, 2012
Who are you? On your mobile devices, go to and enter “madame” where it says “Room Number.” Then, just type the letter of your answer to send your response. What grade level(s) do you teach or support? A.K-5 B.6-8 C.K-8 D.9-12 E.6-12 F.K-12 G.College/university
Who are you? What is your role in education? A.K-12 Teacher (all subjects except technology) B.Information/media/technology teacher C.Administrator D.Instructional technology coordinator, lead teacher, support provider, etc. E.Other
Do you already use cell phones in class? A.Yes B.No
What are your favorite mobile tools? Share your ideas in the backchannel Note, this channel was also used at ISTE; feel free to explore the resources shared there Vote on responses you particularly like or reply to others.
Today’s session objectives Participants will describe specific ways cell phones and other portable devices can be used to engage learners actively in their learning and to provide instructors and learners with data about student progress. Participants will describe specific ways Web 2.0 tools can be used to provide additional practice and resources to learners. Participants will leave ready to create new resources for students using some of the mobile tools from this session.
Today’s session agenda Formative assessment on mobile devices Google forms Socrative Poll Everywhere Forums, discussion and collaboration on the go Google Moderator Collaborize Classroom Practice and resources anywhere and everywhere Quizlet mobile Using video tools and YouTube to provide content Organizational and communication tools from any device Evernote Remind 101 Google Voice
Comments? Links? Suggestions? Google Moderator backchannel: Google Moderator backchannel
Getting started Formative assessment on mobile devices Google forms Socrative Poll Everywhere Forums, discussion and collaboration on the go Google Moderator Collaborize Classroom Practice and resources anywhere and everywhere Quizlet mobile Using video tools and YouTube to provide content Organizational and communication tools from any device Evernote Remind 101 Google Voice
Supporting via formative assessment Create a Google form (located in Google Docs or Google Drive) Check for understanding Get instant data: informs teachers and students on progress Students can answer on paper or computers, but with a short URL or a QR code, they can also respond using cell phones, tablets, iPod Touch with wifi.
Tutorials: Google Forms and Flubaroo Video Tutorial: creating a FORMative assessment Bonus tutorial: creating short URLs and QR codes:
Flubaroo???? For use with Google Forms (part of Google Drive/Documents). Find more info at It’s a script that “grades” the responses on your forms. Can be set to assign different point values to different responses Can also accept multiple variations for open-ended responses.
Flubaroo Screen Shots
More Flubaroo
Tutorial: Google Forms and Flubaroo Video Tutorial : Adding Flubaroo script to FORMative assessment:
Another formative assessment tool Socrative: instant class polling and also team competitions for your content to create (no “http”) for students to do activities (no “http”): students answer from phones, tablets, iPod touch (with wifi) or computer. There is an iPad app. Works particularly well with QR codes for students using mobile learning devices.
Socrative Tutorial Socrative Creation Tutorial:
Yet another formative assessment tool Poll Everywhere: another way to do whole class checks for understanding….or pose a debate question! choose K-12 account create poll--students answer with cell phones Edit polls
Editing a poll in Poll Everywhere Edit a poll: participant options; photos as answer choices Tutorial:
Moving on… Formative assessment on mobile devices Google forms Socrative Poll Everywhere Forums, discussion and collaboration on the go Google Moderator Collaborize Classroom Practice and resources anywhere and everywhere Quizlet mobile Using video tools and YouTube to provide content Organizational and communication tools from any device Evernote Remind 101 Google Voice
Backchannels and forums for formative assessment or interactivity Google Moderator: ; You or students post questions or comments (or related links) Students can vote on questions or comments Works great in combination with a QR code. Step-by-step directions: moderator moderator
Collaborize Classroom More flexible than Google Moderator Yes/No; True False Multiple Choice Open-ended Forum Can attach MS office documents, photos or video as prompts.
Coming up next… Formative assessment on mobile devices Google forms Socrative Poll Everywhere Forums, discussion and collaboration on the go Google Moderator Collaborize Classroom Practice and resources anywhere and everywhere Quizlet mobile Using video tools and YouTube to provide content Organizational and communication tools from any device Evernote Remind 101 Google Voice
Providing content anywhere: Video options
Brainshark Free Web-based tool to turn your class presentations into narrated movies. Easy to record your narration Accepts animations you've programmed in PPT Converts to a movie format that is easy for all users to open Can also work with lessons already recorded in movie format
Annotated YouTube Videos Annotated YouTube videos Create an account in YouTube (use your Google account) Upload one of your recorded lessons Add "pop-up" annotations with additional information or questions
Linked YouTube Videos Add links to other videos great for linking to other videos on similar content choose-your-own- adventure videos Tutorial at:
Extra enrichment or practice Quizlet: create your own flashcards search extensive database for existing flashcards students can use as study cards, download to phones, and play games with the cards to help them remember NEW! Just released "multi-player" version!
Almost done… Formative assessment on mobile devices Google forms Socrative Poll Everywhere Forums, discussion and collaboration on the go Google Moderator Collaborize Classroom Practice and resources anywhere and everywhere Quizlet mobile Using video tools and YouTube to provide content Organizational and communication tools from any device Evernote and MentorMob Remind 101 Google Voice
More tools for organizing resources, research and ideas Evernote: Save what you find online into folders you've created that are immediately synced to all of your devices that have Evernote! Use the Chrome extension to send pages directly to Evernote while you browse.
Tools for organizing resources, research and ideas MentorMob: create a "playlist" of Web documents to teach a lesson (or for students to show what they've learned or organize what they've found on a research topic). Sample giving overview of P21.Sample giving overview of P21
Remind 101 Text or your students No exchange of phone numbers or addresses Students and/or parents opt to receive messages Free Video overview Video overview
Google Voice Families can reach you on any device You can opt to not have it forwarded to a phone Notified via alerts through gmail, and through the app for iPad Great for school-home communication, or as a way to provide an emergency access number during field trips without giving out your actual mobile phone number
Thank you! Session evaluations: Linked to the session description in the Fall CUE Conference Web site Reach me Twitter: nnaditz Class Web Site: Blog: Presentations page: New (under construction) Web site for Google Apps: