BINGE EATING AND OBESITY In this power point we will review what binge eating and obesity is how it can harm our health what treatments there are for binge eating and obesity. By Emily Hacecky and Sierra Washington
WHAT IS BINGE EATING? BINGE EATING IS an eating disorder in which a person cannot control eating and eats excessive amounts. It is medically diagnosed when the person binges at least two times each week for at least six months. WHEN BINGE EATING, the person usually eats fast, eats until uncomfortably full, eats alone, and often feels guilty about eating.
HOW DOES BINGE EATING HARM HEALTH? Binge eating can harm your health in many different ways. These ways include, teens that are over weight or obese may have skeletal difficulties because their need for bones to support their true weight, a person who is over weight has an increase in their heart weight and blood pressure, there is an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even certain kinds of cancer. Teens that develop binge eating disorder may lack self- respect, have negative self-esteem, have a negative body image, and have frequent spells of depression. Many people with this disorder do not feel accepted by peers and often turn to eating as a substitute to meaningful relationships.
HOW TO TREAT BINGE EATING The treatment for binge eating and obesity involves a team of health care professionals who deal with physical and emotional problems. A weight loss plan is designed. The person on the diet has medical supervision with blood test at set intervals. These people are sometimes placed on liquid diets under close physician supervision. After weight loss, patients must learn new eating habits. They are supervised on a maintenance plan to prevent relapse. To change eating habits, patients need to examine the reason why they developed binge eating disorder. Therapy, nutrition classes, and support groups are helpful.
NOW LETS REVIEW What is binge eating? An eating disorder in which a person cannot control the amount they eat. What are ways it can harm your health? skeletal difficulties increase in person’s heart rate and blood pressure increased risk in developing cardiovascular diseases High blood pressure diabetes types of cancer How do you treat binge eating? Weight loss plan Medical supervision with blood tests Liquid diets sometimes Learn new eating habits