TCU CoSc Introduction to Programming (with Java) Course Introduction
Agenda Roll Course Overview –Finding information ( –Getting help (instructor & TA’s) –Succeeding in the course (study + hard_work + programming) = success Computer Accounts - everyone MUST have a TCU computer account (not Gmail, not HotMail, etc.)!!! Turn cellphones OFF – no texting, s, or phonecalls! Programming and Java Background - no assumption is made about previous programming experience!
Course Overview Programming –For the Web (Java Applets) –GUIs (using Swing classes) Object-oriented paradigm Problem solving Learn by doing –Demonstrate through labs, experiments and exams Time intensive and unforgiving!!!
Sources of Information & Help Programming Help –Textbook –Instructor (initial help sessions in TTC next Tuesday) –Lab assistants Account help –Information Services Course information – Your classmates –discuss syntax, design, debugging –deliverables are your own work! Sun Microsystems & web ( Eclipse IDE: and (select your platform)
For Next Tuesday’s Class Period – without fail!!!! (1) Go to the class website: (2)Explore the website links. (3) Bring the copy of the Eclipse tutorial with you to class next period – we will meet in TTC 353 – DON’T Forget!! (1) Go to the class website: (2)Explore the website links. (3) Bring the copy of the Eclipse tutorial with you to class next period – we will meet in TTC 353 – DON’T Forget!!
Accounts and Software TCU Computer Accounts –Information Commons area of the library (1 st floor) Software –Eclipse IDE - Java component –Internet Explorer –TURNIN Locations –TTC Labs (353 & 357) –Library PC Lab (first floor)
Succeeding in the course Make backups of your files Keep up with assignments and reading You can’t learn by just reading –Riding a bike –Playing the piano –Programming The machine is the master
About Java Designed and implemented by Sun Microsystems, Inc. A very young language - 1st brought to the attention of the public in Designed as a device independent language (originally named Oak) for use in consumer electronic devices (microwaves ovens, smart TV’s, thermostats, etc.) In 1992/93 the WWW arrived - since the language was device independent, Sun soon realized that Java would be suitable for writing programs to run on different computers connected to the Internet. It was the 1st language to provide features to allow programs to be downloadable as part of a web page (and run on a user’s computer).
Java : Just Another Vague Acronym? Originally called Oak by James Gosling –For internet appliances (interactive TV,…) Inspiration was a large oak tree outside his office But Oak was the name of an existing programming language Inspiration struck one day during a trip to the local coffee shop DNA and Silk were suggested for the trademark search. Someone said “We might as well suggest something as silly as... Java.”
History of Programming Languages 1940sMachine Language Assembly Language 1954FORTRAN & COBOL 1960ALGOL, explosion of languages 1967Simula 1970BASIC & Pascal 1972C 1980Smalltalk 1986C Java
Why learn Java? Simple (relatively!) –programmers can grasp the concepts in a short span of time and start producing good applications quickly Object-oriented –programmers have access to ready-made and tested object libraries Automatic storage management –no pointers; garbage collection built in Secure –security model prohibits certain types of access Architecture neutral –Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can be installed on any platform Ease of migration –looks and feels like C++
More about Java The language is small in size and simple to learn. The power of the language comes from the extensive library of software components that have already been developed and are available for use. Java programs consist of pieces called “classes”. There are two things to master in order to learn to program in Java: –Learning the Java language itself so that you can program your own classes, and –Learning what is already available in the extensive Java class libraries and how to use them. The language can be used to develop both “stand alone” applications and “applets”.
Java application vs. applet Application –Stand alone (e.g. MS Word, Firefox, …) Applet –Embedded in a web page This course teaches how to create applets, but not too difficult to change between application/applet 13