Chiara Pocaterra Punto di Contatto Nazionale Tema 2 "Prodotti Alimentari, Agricoltura e Pesca e Biotecnologie" Torino, 21 Settembre 2010 FP7 THEME 2 WORK PROGRAMME 2011
123 projects with 358 Partners from 65 different Third Countries FP7- KBBE Third Countries PARTICIPANTS TOP 30
Build aEuropean Build a European K nowledge- B ased B io- E conomy (KBBE) Respond to social, economic and GLOBAL challenges: Respond to social, economic and GLOBAL challenges: Sustainable agriculture/fishery and climate change Sustainable agriculture/fishery and climate change Increasing production of high quality food Increasing production of high quality food Food-related disorders Food-related disorders Infectious animal diseases and zoo-noses Infectious animal diseases and zoo-noses Renewable energy sources and biomaterials Renewable energy sources and biomaterials Support other EU policies such as CAP, CFP, Forest Strategy, Animal Health, Environment, Energy, Development and Trade Policies Respond quickly to emerging research needs Support the coordination of National Research Programmes - ERA- NETS 4 FP7- KBBE OBJECTIVES
Activity 2.2 Fork to farm: Food (including sea-food), health and well being Activity 2.1 Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments Activity 2.3 Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes Other Activities FP7- KBBE ACTIVITIES
Modalities for International Cooperation All topics are open to cooperation with Third Countries Specific International Co-operation Actions (SICA) and other topics with mandatory ICPC participation Topics encouraging international co-operation Coordinated calls Partnering initiatives (with India in 2011 WP) Twinning with R&D programmes in Third Countries 13 PROJECT LEVEL PROGRAMME LEVEL
1. Primary production mitigating and adapting to climate change 2. Greening the industry 3. Food security and safety for Europe and beyond 4. Social inclusive and healthy Europe 5. Oceans for the future Priorities for WP 2011 Grand CHALLENGES Bio-economy for a zero waste society addressed across the 3 activities 7 Call FP7-KBBE , deadline 25 Jan
EC Web sites EU research 6th Framework Programme Site.FP6HomePage 7 th Framework Programme DG Research Site RTD info magazine
Objective: Foster international co-operation with major partner Third Countries and Helping simplify access to FP7 calls for Third Country researchers and entrepreneurs in the food sector Major activities: training for researchers, organisation of Brokerage Events and other networking activities
Per ulteriori informazioni Chiara Pocaterra APRE skype apre-pocaterra