Chapter Two Convention and Visitors Bureaus 林万登 老師 自編講義 2008/03/15
According to the International Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus (IACVB), a convention and visitors bureau is “a not-for-profit” umbrella organization which represents a city or urban area in the solicitation and servicing of types of travelers to that area or city…Whether they visit for business or pleasure or both. The convention and visitors bureau is the organization that coordinates the efforts of city government, civic and trade associations, and individual suppliers, such as hotels, motels, restaurants, and attractions. →act as the intermediary between potential visitors and local business.
Four primary responsibilities of a bureau: 1. to encourage groups to hold meetings, conventions, and trade shows in the area it represents 2. to assist those groups with meeting preparations and to lend support throughout the meeting 3. to encourage tourists to visit the historic, cultural, and recreational opportunities the city or area has to offer 4. to develop and promote the image of the community it represents→the CVB was designed for the sole purpose→selling a city →an increase in revenue generated by visit to the city
Trade show allow CVB to sell their cities to interested groups CVB generates a list of prospective clients such as associations, corporations, travel agents after show, sales from CVB marketing dept visit the prospective clients. if the group is sincerely interested →CVB will develop a familiarization trip (FAM trip) to introduce them to the many services and facilities their city has to offer
FAM trip is a hosted trip to assess facilities, locations or service. during the FAM trips the CVB acts as the coordinator, bringing together all the suppliers in a city. the bureau’s sales manager will determine the needs. These suppliers are then asked to act as hosts for the potential clients. The suppliers provide rooms, meals, and entertainment for the representatives of the groups interested in coming to their city.
Another method of soliciting visits to the city is through listings in trade journals, such as Tradeshow Week or Successful Meetings. The readership of these magazines and journals consists of independent meeting planners, association directors, corporate meeting planners, and any other individual interested in the meetings and convention market.
The CVB can make the meeting planner’s job easier recommend reliable sources for services supply info on facilities and prices assist in securing hotel commitments help with tour planning put the planner in between the organization and local government officials assist with program planning
CVB is also responsible to develop the individual and group tour business. work closely with the suppliers in the tourism industry: tour operators, wholesalers, airline carriers and retail travel agents. marketing strategy →direst mail, trade show, sales calls to meeting prospective clients alert all the attractions in the area, special events, festivals, celebration and parades. Promote city image →favorable impression →through media exposure
The organization of an CVB can be divided into three divisions: 1. the sales and marketing dept 2. the opeation/ administration dept 3. the communication dept The sales and marketing dept of a CVB is responsible for identifying potential clients in the areas of meetings, conventions, and expositions. Services provided: housing, registration, assistance in the development of pre- and post- conference tours Support in the development of spousal programs
provide promotional material for the various tourism sites in the community the amount of services provided is related directly to the funding provided to the bureau The operational/ administrative dept of a CVB deal with financial issues and membership development responsible for generating funds and keep track of these funds The communication dept of a CVB provide all of the printed materials for the bureau
depending on the size of the bureau, they may have their own in-house advertising agency and printing dept Community economic health make use of resources/assets” attractions, historical sites, hotels, meeting and convention space, restaurants. CVB can increase the porfitability by promoting all these assets. CVB funding resources come from: 1.accommodations tax/hotel room tax tax on each room sold within the city
largest portion of the funding without burdening the local people taxes range from as low as 3% in smaller cities to as high as percent+$2 in New York City. 2.Membership dues typically members are hotels, motels, restaurants, attractions and other visitor-related businesses membership allows to take part in cooperative advertising, trade shows and familiarization trips, receive bureau publications and reports about convention and show coming to the city.
these reports can include the history of the groups’ spending practices, and size requirements, preferred activities, time schedule and demographic data about groups participants 4.operations income: special advertising publication, special events, education programs, registration fee, housing, convention management, event assistance CVB services 1.for tourist-provide city maps, restaurant guides, shopping guides, hotel guides and brochures on local attraction. 2.for meeting planners providing property list that can handle the meeting
recommending reliable sources for services suggesting possible ground transportation coordinating FAM trip acting as a convention management consultant act as a coordinator of housing (meeting require several hotel) act as coordinator for local support services (photographers, caters, AV, florists, decorators) CVB formula for success →bureau + hotels/ suppliers + cooperation = a win-win situation members should be as interested in selling the city as they are in selling their individual properties.
Member should consider the bureau and extension of its own sales and marketing dept. IACVB-international Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus Services provided: 1. CINET program-computerized information network enables IACVB member bureaus to change demographic and historical data on organizations holding meetings and conventions through out the world. 2. Educational Opportunities 3. Research
4.Consulting Destination Showcase- a mini trade show where the IACVB invites meeting planners and association executives involved in the city selection process to visit exclusively with member bureaus.