2 Read to Learn What networking means and why this is an effective way to develop job leads How to develop a career network and contact list How to use the Internet and other resources to find career opportunities
3 Main Idea The best way to find career opportunities is by using a variety of strategies, including networking and research using media resources
4 Key Concept Finding Job Leads
5 Key Terms job leads networking contact list referral school-to work programs temp job temp-to-hire job Internet
6 Finding Job Leads A job lead can be a tip from someone you know, an ad in the newspaper or on the Internet, or information from organizations. job lead information about a job that is available
7 Networking Between 60 to 80 percent of all jobs are found by networking. networking communicating with people you know or meet to share information and advice about jobs
8 Networking You can start networking by making a contact list. contact list a list of people you know who might be helpful in your job search Your contacts can include your family, your friends, or people you have worked with.
9 Networking Valued company employees make good recommendations because they understand the skills, values, and work ethic of their company.
10 Figure 6.1 Types of Associations
11 Networking If you have established a good relationship with people in your network, they may provide you with referrals for jobs. referral a recommendation from a contact who is part of your network
12 Organizations Joining professional and community organizations can provide good opportunities for networking. Memberships can cost money, but the fee can be worthwhile.
13 School Resources School resources include: school-to-work programs programs that bring schools and local businesses together to give students the opportunity to get valuable training and work experience Counselors Teachers The school placement office School-to-work programs
14 Print Job Advertisements Classified ads in newspapers and magazines can be part of your job search. Only around 20 percent of job seekers find their jobs through classified ads.
15 Using the Telephone A hot call is a call to a specific person or to get specific information. A cold call is a phone call to a prospective employer with whom you have had no prior contact.
16 Using the Telephone Tips for Making Cold Calls Identify places where you would like to work. Write an introductory script to use. Write questions you would like answered. Request referrals. Thank the person for speaking with you. Make the call. Record important information and evaluate the call.
17 Employment Agencies An employment agency matches job seekers with job openings. Public AgenciesPrivate Agencies Placement services are free. A fee is charged to the job seeker, the employer, or both.
18 Employment Agencies Employment agencies often specialize in temp jobs or temp- to-hire jobs. temp job a temporary job temp-to-hire job a temporary job that becomes a permanent job after a period of evaluation by the potential employer
19 Using the Internet Job listings on the Internet are often called job postings. Internet a worldwide public system of computer networks
20 Finding the Right Web Sites On job Web sites such as Monster.com and local newspaper sites, you can search for jobs according to job title, location, or other criteria.
21 Finding the Right Web Sites On job Web sites, you can search by keyword.
22 Finding the Right Web Sites Other services offered on job Web sites may include: Résumé posting Personal job search agents Career counseling Career networks Bulletin boards Free newsletters
23 Finding the Right Web Sites Some companies post job openings on their own Web sites. Type the name of a company into an Internet search engine to find the company Web site.
24 When the game is finished, close the Quick Quiz window and click here for the next slide >>
25 Section 6.1 After You Read 1.Explain why networking is an effective strategy for finding jobs. Networking is effective because it uncovers unlisted jobs and because employers like to hire people they know and who come recommended by a friend or colleague.
26 Section 6.1 After You Read 2.Name two people you would include on your contact list. Why do you think they would be good contacts? Students should initially focus on people who are successful in their chosen career and who themselves have a wide network of contacts.
27 Section 6.1 After You Read 3.Identify two ways, other than networking, that you would use to help you search for job opportunities. Explain your choices. Students may mention searching print ads or online job postings, making cold calls, getting help from a school counselor, or signing up with a public or private employment agency.
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