Trends & Developments in Higher Education
Can we afford big full pledge university? Can Georgia have one at all? (at this point) Our economy is not large enough and we are not rich enough for sustainable big full pledge world class university The development of truly leading university is a function of economic size and individual wealth
Amount of Universities vs. GDPxGDPpc (based on ARWU top 500 ranking) Number of Universities in Ranking GDP x GDPpc
Smallest players Smallest economies from QS top 500 ranking: Lebanon GDP = 28 billion $, GDP per capita = 7300 $ Uruguay GDP = 28,3 billion $, GDP per capita = 9300 $ Smallest economy from ARWU top 500 ranking: Slovenia GDP= 57 billion $, GDP per capita =27,200 $
What will happen with Universities University as business-model was invented more than thousand years ago. This highly integrated business-model was protected by very high entry barriers due to regulation, tradition and technology. New technologies and deregulation shall change the business-model, including vertical separation, outsourcing and customization
Competition vs. Regulation Best way to develop the effective tertiary education in Georgia is competition Competition should apply to any university We can achieve more affordable, higher quality and flexible educational system with prime focus on bachelors degree – the biggest demand for the nation today As regulation is the protective against changes, we need a bit of deregulation