Eduardo González Aid Quality Division DCD-OECD 9 May, 2011 Update in THE ROAD TO BUSAN
The Aid Quality Journey… Rome Declaration on Harmonisation Accra Action Agenda Busan 29 Nov – 1Dec Monterrey Consensus HLF-1 HLF-2 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness Bogota Declaration on SSC Dili Declaration on Fragile States Istanbul principles on CSO effectiveness HLF-3 HLF-4
Preparing the path: The WP-EFF The working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF) is the international OECD-hosted international forum of discussion and analysis on aid effectiveness Promotes implementation of PD and AAA and organizes the PD monitoring survey Leads the organization of the 4 th High Level Forum, Busan, Nov 2011
Preparing the path: The WP-EFF 24Countries receiving ODA 8Countries both receiving and providing assistance 31Donor countries9Multilateral organisations 6 CSOs, foundations, local governments (UCLG), parliaments.
What could we expect from Bussan? Stocktaking from the Paris / Accra process Agreeing on features of high quality aid and its monitoring framework towards 2015 Situating aid in its broader development context: More actors, development finance effectiveness Diversified approach: MICs, LICs, FS, regions Catalyst dimension: trade, security, climate… Results and right-based approaches
Stocktaking of progress - Presenting findings to HLF4 Progress since Paris (PD survey & other evidence) + Country Chapters and statistical annexes Progress since Paris (PD survey & other evidence) + Country Chapters and statistical annexes Evaluation of implementation Evaluation of implementation Progress since Paris Key messages Key Messages and Recommendations July: 1 st draft Sept: Final version July: 1 st draft Sept: Final version May: Final version Sept: Final version
HLF-4 Event Structure Opening Plenary A few High-Level Sessions Knowledge and Innovation Space Program of Side Events Closing Plenary
Possible themes for high-level sessions Results and accountability; Aid transparency and predictability, reduced fragmentation Ownership, effective states and the role of parliament/civil society; Situations of conflict, fragility and risks; Middle income countries / south-south cooperation; Leveraging aid for other sources of development finance (including public/private partnerships) Future development governance systems and frameworks;
Outcome document First Terms of Reference (ToR) have been launched at the ExCom (living document). Updated version to be done by mid-May First draft to be discussed at July WP-EFF Second draft to be discussed in September. Still time in Busan to introduce last changes (to keep ministerial interest…)
Outcome document – First draft Elaborated by WP-EFF co-chairs and secretariat. Informed by: Evidence from PD Evaluation; Comments received on the first ToR; PCCG position paper; Evidence from aid effectiveness work-streams Preliminary evidence from 2011 PD Survey.
Decentralization and local governments in Busan: Some ideas Provide evidence on the implementation of PD principles at the local level Define strategic and concrete targets Provide inputs for the outcome document (July WP-EFF) Work on a possible “building block” for post- Busan implementation Organize a side event
Key milestones in 2011 Working Party on Aid Effectiveness MeetingsHLF4 reportingConsultations Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 4 th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness 29 November – 1st December, Busan, Korea 2 nd draft outcome document Review Plans for HLF 4 Monitoring Survey: country level data collection Evidence for “Progress Since Paris” Deadlines: 31 March Regional and stakeholder consultations Evaluation: Synthesis report (May 2011) Monitoring Survey: preliminary results 1 st draft Progress since Paris (July 2011) Report finalisation (September 2011) Themes for Busan Deadline: 28 January Preliminary Menu of Options Review Plans for HLF 4 (Evidence, Themes) 1 st draft outcome document WP-EFF EXCOM (9-10 March) WP-EFF + ExCOM (6-8 July) WP-EFF + ExCOM (5-7 Oct) Final draft at Busan
Thank you