Future View of Transportation: Implications for Safety Alan E. Pisarski Stakeholder Workshop August 25-26, 2010
DEMOGRAPHYGEOGRAPHY TRANSPORTATION Transportation is the collision of demography with geography
A Quick Look at: Demography is Destiny Licensing and Vehicle Ownership Travel Behavior and Activity Truck Freight Implications for Safety
Demography The Pre-labor Force Age Group Labor Force Age Group Post Labor Force Age Group OVER THE NEXT 20 YEARS
The Old “Watch Out” School of Planning Doesn’t Apply Any More Watch Out! Here They Come! There will be no Deluge of: Young Population New Cars New Drivers (First Time Women Drivers) Vmt But – Maybe of: Immigrant Drivers and Older Drivers Continuing to Work/Drive In Many Ways More Operable
Not Much Growth to Drive VMT
Half of Growth in Aged Pop will be Safety Challenge
Only Small Increases in Potential New Driver Population Holds constant at 1.4% of pop til 2011 or so then drops to 1.3% of the pop thru About 400, year olds added each decade; except the coming decade where less than 300,000 are added.
End of the Worker Boom : 18.5 Million : 13.3 Million : NEGATIVE Our problem may be too few commuters not too many!
Where will the workers come from? It could matter greatly.
A New Role For Older Workers Alan E. Pisarski
A Possible 11 to 13 Million Workers over 65 by 2030 OVER POPULATION (millions) (+24%) 54.8*72.1* WORKERS (millions) (+62%) 8.2^10.8^ SHARE AT WORK 11.2%12.1%14.5%15%^ *Census Projections ^ Authors Estimates
The Tools of Travel Licenses Saturation in all ages Women’s gains Immigrants Vehicles Stability Aging fleet Workers = Drivers IS IT THE ECONOMY OR THE TREND ?
Women will close the licensing gap Men will live longer
Cars per Household – 48 Year Trend Alan E. Pisarski Households in thousands
Why Vehicle Ownership Matters – Work Travel Alan E. Pisarski
Household Workers and Vehicles In one worker hh 93% have one or more vehicles In two worker hh 87% have two or more In three + worker hh 74% have three or more
Stable Vehicle Ownership Shares into the Future Only 4.4% of workers in household with no vehicle 2008
Consumer Spending on Vehicles Declining Since Fewer vehicles? Older vehicles? More used vehicles?
Travel Fewer Trips Trip lengths stable Travel times stable VMT slow growth But, long distance travel boomlet? Is it the Economy or the Trend?
The Role of the Work Trip has Diminished with Time
Trip-making down recently preliminary NHTSA
Mode Shares to Work are Stable WORKERS 100% DRIVE ALONE 73%76% CARPOOL 13%11% TRANSIT 5% TAXI 0% BICYCLE 0% WALKED 4%3% OTHER 1% WORKED AT HOME 3% 4%
As Women’s Jobs Became More Like Men’s their Work Travel Became More Like Men’s! – Differences are Less Extreme RATIO OF WOMEN/MEN effect Drove alone 97%102%NEG Carpooled 103%91%NEG/? Bus or trolley bus 166%130%NEG Subway or elevated 121%111%NEG Railroad 77%83%NEG Bicycle 30%40%NEG/? Walked 106%97%NEG/? Worked at home 130%109%NEG
Vehicle trip and VMT distribution by Purpose (2009 NHTSA –preliminary)
Average Trip Length by Purpose (2009 NHTSA -- preliminary)
Note: 20% of VMT is in trips over 50 miles
Where People Spend their Time travel day trip durationMean To/From Work23.9 Work-Related Business28.72 Shopping14.38 Fam/Personal Business14.8 School/Church17.81 Medical/Dentral21.87 Vacation46 Visit Friends/Relatives24.26 Other Social/Recreational17.22 All18.83
Immigrant Work Mode Trend A NEGATIVE SAFETY TREND?
Only Above a Thousand Miles Does Air Travel Win Marketshare Source: American Travel Survey 1995
THE ECONOMY AND TRAVEL Declining shares of spending to transportation (housing?) Less focus on new vehicles Fuels impacts on costs Fewer workers = less travel spending? But, a boom in tourism? IS IT THE ECONOMY OR THE TREND?
Major Transportation-Related Trends Source: Energy Outlook, DOE
Travel Grows With Income Annual Trips per HH by Income Level Doesn’t Have to Mean More Crashes Future
How do we spend our transportation money? Dominant factor (94%) is acquisition, use and care of vehicles Purchased transportation (6%) = anything you buy a ticket for: air, cruise, transit (13% of 6%), taxi Un-reimbursed Consumer expenditure survey BLS 2008
Transportation Spending is All about Workers Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2008
We are Spending Less on Transportation This Decade
Density and Distribution Pace of change has slowed Suburban growth pattern continues Large metro growth is the key but … Is it the Economy or the Trend?
Suburban Growth Continues but Economy has Slowed Moves 35 million people moved from 2007 to 2008; down from 40 million in The mover rate dropped below 12%; lowest ever recorded (started 1948) In met areas over a million pop suburban share: – was 51.3% in 2000 – now at 52.5% in 2008; – gained 66% of the growth to 2008 Census Domestic Mobility Study
National Commuting Flows – More Circumferential Travel
Mode Usage to Work by Flow Type
Before 8 it’s a Guy Thing! Many in Long Distance Carpools - More Early Driving
The Focus will be on Big Metros Metros over a million areas areas areas areas Probably 60 areas by 2020 60% of population 12 areas with more than 5 meg. 1/3 of national pop.; 100 meg. Growth is in exurb areas
Freight Increasing tons, vehicles and value Increasing truck shares Prospect of larger vehicles More hazardous materials Non-driver fatalities
Truck Freight’s Role is Massive DOMESTIC FREIGHT TONS (millions) VALUE (billions $) TONS (millions) VALUE (billions $) ALL 19,26812,36333,66729,590 TRUCK 12,6919,26622,23021,654 % TRUCK 66%75%66%73% Freight facts and figures, 2008
The Hazardous Materials Role as well TONS (millions) VALUE (billions $) TON MILES (billions) ALL2,1911, TRUCK % TRUCK53%64%34% Freight Facts and Figures 2008
Truck Related Fatalities
We will see New, Sometimes Dramatic Patterns A replacement labor force of ? size & skills A rapidly increasing dependent older pop A pop heavily defined by immigration policy Changes in energy & environment costs Other intervening new technologies All affected by and affecting changes in societal preferences and tastes.
Major Safety Implications POSITIVE Fewer young drivers Stable vehicle & license growth Younger working age group Slower VMT growth – driven by pop & income NEGATIVE More post-work age workers Slow fleet turn-over Immigrant conflicts Higher percentage of travel by older pop More trucks, hazmat
In Summary To me the central demographic questions for traffic safety of our generation are: Will the post work-years group be forced to stay in the work place – because of their own or society’s needs? To what extent will the abilities of the aging population to meet its own mobility needs diminish? – in what ways and at what rate? Can cars and truck activities be made more compatible?
Thank You! Alan E. Pisarski with Special Thanks to Forrest Council and Hugh McGee Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc