Formative vs Summative Assessments
Formative assessments (assessments that aid in learning) are designed to give students practice and feedback on the skills introduced, reinforced, and refined during the course of a unit of study. Formative assessments are generally completion grades and include daily work, homework, discussions, small group activities, informal checks for understanding, etc. Teachers will use formative assessments to evaluate students’ progress at regular intervals, modify instruction, and determine the degree to which students understand and can demonstrate skills and content knowledge. Formative assessments may be submitted for credit and feedback after the assignment is due, as long as the skills are still relevant to the unit of study. Formative Grade Categories: Formative Reading: 10% Formative Writing: 10% Formative Vocabulary: 10% Formative Presentation: 10% Formative Behavior: 10% Formative Assessments: 50% of total Grade
Summative Assessments Summative assessments (assessments that measure learning over time) are designed to be comprehensive in nature and to assess the student’s level of learning at the end of a unit of study. Summative assessments require students to demonstrate mastery; therefore, students are provided ample time and feedback to prepare for these assessments, which may include exams, tests, projects, essays and writing portfolios. Summative assessments are graded against criterion so as to measure the student’s Summative Assessments are worth 50% of your grade. Please be aware of the fact that you can’t earn English credit if you do NOT turn in summative assessments.
Work is late if not turned in on the designated day by 3:15pm Every day late may result in a 10% grade deduction So, turn in your work on time to earn grades based on your ability. Please note: Assignments not meeting minimum standards for quality and effort will be returned un-graded.
OPTION 1OPTION 2 Visit the English office on the 1st floor (Room 130) during 3 srd or 6 th period, or before or after school to talk to me in person. Check My Calendar on myteacherpages Go Palmer website Find Your Teacher’s Site English Department Tina Tramel My Calendar
Essential components of the IB philosophy support… awareness of learning Understanding of purpose for learning and engagement becoming active, compassionate, lifelong learners
What does the learner profile mean to you? In your group, read the official definition, then define with your group the following: Your assigned word(s): _____________ What does this word mean to you? Discuss in a group. What is the literal definition of this word What should this word look like in a classroom? What would it look like if students did not have this characteristic (your word)? What do you think the word means? You and your group record the official definition As a group, take notes and discuss this questions. Opinion - Importance Fact - Paraphrase What should teacher, peers or visitor see student do? How can teacher, peer or visitor tell?
Group Presentations: Every student will speak – decide who presents what Briefly share with class what your group discovered. This is what needs to be presented: Student 1: Opinion: what did the word mean to your group? Student 2: Fact: What is the literal definition and paraphrased version Student 3: What should it look like in class? Student 4: What should it not look like in class? You may have more than one speaking assignment. If you and your group can’t decide who presents what, teacher will make that decision for your group. You will have 2 minutes to decide and prepare.
Who are you as a student? English student? Introduce yourself How do I learn best? How do I communicate my understanding? Questions to ponder: What does it mean to be literate? How can what I learn in English improve my other subjects? What skills and knowledge can I take from other subjects and use in English? How does learning influence my understanding of cultures/cultural diversity? How does learning help me communicate effectively? How can I evaluate and improve my own language skills? Reflect for 15 minutes on the Learner Profile and the Approaches to Learning