The Development of New Waste Reduction Policy in Ontario Shirley McLean, Chair MWA MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014
History Waste Diversion Act – 2002 Waste Diversion Ontario Minister designated materials & requested WDO to develop programs for Minister approval IFO’s were created to administer obligations of stewards under WDA
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 History Con’t Blue Box Program Plan 2003 (50% of net costs) MHSW Program 2008 (100%) WEEE Program 2008 (100%) Used Tire Program 2009 (100%) Review of WDA & BBPP
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Eco Fees Consolidated MHSW Program started July 1, 2010 Eco fees for Phase 2 and 3 MHSW items suddenly showed up at point of sale Caught consumers by surprise Toronto Sun, October 10, 2013
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Eco Fees Aftermath Much complaint in media Minister cancelled expanded MHSW program Anticipated changes to WDA & BBPP did not come forward
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Proposed Waste Reduction Act (and Waste Reduction Strategy) Bill 91 intro June 2013 minority House Lots of consultation 2nd Reading - prolonged debate Never got to Committee Died when election called
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Proposed Waste Reduction Act What held it in 2nd Reading? Required producers to compensate municipalities for reasonable costs Producers want program authority & decision making if have to pay Minority gov’t, lack of consensus
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Current Status Liberals win majority in summer 2014 Ministry adds climate change to title Premier’s direction: build on Waste Reduction Strategy work with industry, municipalities and others and reintroduce Waste Reduction Act
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Minister’s Working Group Working Group of producer reps & elected officials met in spring 2014 Discussed roles & responsibilities How to enable effective co-operation Oversight mechanisms How to develop a reasonable & sustainable compensation model
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Meanwhile MHSW Phase 2 cancelled a year early MOECC seeks voluntary programs for replacement AMO/RPWCO/MWA joint efforts Blue Box arbitration outcome crucial to next steps
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Context Blue Box net costs: $200 million MHSW Phase 2 net costs: $3.5 million
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Key Municipal Positions Support EPR to influence packaging decisions & shift costs from taxpayers Operate a successful Blue Box program in an integrated system Have expertise in waste diversion Considered main waste management provider by residents
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Programs need to be convenient & accessible or material goes in garbage P&E essential Need a simple one window reporting & funding body 3 rd Party oversight body resourced to provide enforcement & dispute resolution
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Producers have resources to strategically advocate their positions on EPR programs & legislation Municipalities need to work together through AMO/RPWCO/MWA partnership to advocate our key priorities
MWA Fall Workshop, October 2014 Stay tuned x8235