Physics 215–Elementary Modern Physics Everyone Pick Up: Syllabus Student Info sheet – fill it out 8/27 Topics Covered: ¼ Special Relativity ½ Quantum Mechanics 1/12 Nuclear Physics 1/12 Special Topic #1 1/12 Special Topic #2 Physics Dept. Talk Wednesdays Munchies at 3:30, lobby Meeting at 4:00, Olin 101
Eric Carlson “Eric” “Professor Carlson” Olin 306 OH: Tues & Thurs 1-2 or by appointment Materials Modern Physics, 6 th ed., Tipler and Llewellyn Webassign access Scientific Calculator Laptop Physics 215 –Modern Physics
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Dr. Carlson’s Approximate Schedule office hour PHY 741 research colloquium Free food PHY 215 PHY 741 research I will try to be in my office Tues. Thurs. 1-2 When in doubt, call/ first PHY 215 office hour
Preparing for Lecture Read the material assigned on the Web, or in class each day, before class starts Read the reading quiz, posted on Webassign Take a Webassign-based reading quiz online by 9:30 AM Reading Assignment Sections 1-1 and 1-2 by Friday Sections 1-3 and 1-4 by Monday Quizzes: Reading quiz A by Friday Reading quiz B by Monday
Class attendance and seating Attendance is expected every day More than two unexcused absences count against your grade If you have an advance excuse, contact me ( ) If you are ill, call/ me OR bring Doctor’s note Starting Monday, everyone will sit in the same seat every day (your choice which seat)
Class Participation Everyone is expected to participate in class Come prepared Ask questions Volunteer to answer my questions If you don’t ask me questions, I’ll ask you questions Homework About 1-3 problems per homework set Almost always Webassign – online Eight chances on most problems Due almost every day at 9:30 AM, starting Monday Getting help is encouraged Ask a friend Ask me Don’t copy – this is an honors code violation Homework: Homework A by Monday
WebAssign Hints on using WebAssign are on the web Logging in: Username = Wake address (mine is ecarlson) Institution = wfu Password = student# (until you change it) Note – the final digit on your ID is not part of your student number Answers input usually must be better than 1% accuracy Suggest doing calculations to 4 digits, input at least 3 Numbers can be put in scientific notation Enter as 3.00E8 Equations – input with *, /, +, -, and ^. Volume of sphere of radius r: 4*pi*r^3/3 See me if you are having problems
Labs No lab for this course, but PHY 265 is normally taken at the same time Dr. Keith Bonin is in charge Labs started yesterday Substitute on Monday Dr. William Kerr
Exams 3 tests and a final Honors code violations will be turned in to the honor council Normally, penalty is 1-term suspension and an irreplaceable F in the course Part multiple choice, mostly short answers and worked problems Old tests on the web If ill, call me/ me immediately or bring a Doctor’s note Solid Red Line – Memorize this formula Exam Dates: September 19 October 15 November 10 December 12 Dashed Red Line – Know how to use it Dotted Red Line – Easily Derived from Other formulas Other colors – not on test
Grades Percentage Breakdown: Test 112% Test 212% Test 312% Final24% Homework30% Class Part. 5% Read Quiz 5% Grade Assigned 94% A 73% C 90% A- 70% C- 87% B+ 67% D+ 83% B 63% D 80% B- 60% D- 77% C+<60% F Little if any curving Do not allow extra credit
The Web Numerous materials can be found on the web for this course These lectures Handouts: Syllabus Math Review “Units” constants and other information Introduction to WebAssign Old tests and test information Pandemic Plans If there is a catastrophic closing of the university, we will attempt to continue the class: Emergency contacts: Web page Cell: Home: