Brighton & Hove Least car dependant city (outside of London) Cllr Ian Davey Deputy Leader & Transport Committee Chair September 2013
The usual obstacles….
2011 – Green Manifesto Commitments Improve the cycling experience 20mph speed limits in residential areas Core network of safe cycle routes Improve permeability Increase cycle parking Improve links to South Downs National Park Controlled parking Rapid transit routes Improve road safety and air quality civilise the streets Sustainable transport: option of choice
Transport in numbers Densely populated City – population circa 275, million visitors per year ++ Over 100,000 vehicle trips in AM & PM peak hours 32,000 commuter journeys out/28,000 in = net export of 4, km public roads & 1100km of footways £1.4 billion worth of assets Value of maintenance backlog = £60m for roads & footways + seafront arches £50m+ Transport central to : –Employment, Education, Shopping, Leisure, Recreation, Health, Quality of life
A sustainable city? Campaign for Better Transport – least car dependant city City car club - most outside London Cycling growing Bus use – 45 millions journeys in % - highest outside of London Census – travel to work figures –Cycling to work gone from 3% to 5% (nationally less than 3%) –Walking to work 17 – 21% (11% nationally) –Public transport 21-24% ( 13% nationally) –Car use dropped from %(nationally up from 61-63%) –Car ownership declined per household (southeast 1.3 to 1.35) Air Quality – AQMA for 10 years Road safety – 900 collisions with 1100 casualties per year
Seafront (NCN2)
Grand Avenue/The Drive
Old Shoreham Road
Lewes Road - LSTF
Lewes Road – Modal share (people per day) Bus27,02145% Peds49508% Cyclists20853% Taxi7261% Car etc25,50843% Total60,290
A fairer allocation of road space
Permeability – Cycle contraflow
Junctions – Seven Dials
Seven Dials
Cycle parking
Public Transport Increased number of operators in the city Successful partnership 45million journeys per year £10m + concessionary fares £1.3m supported bus services £3.5m Better Bus Area grant
Delivering sustainable transport solutions in a car dependant society The Challenge: –Hostile local media – ‘war on motorist’ –Political opposition –Vested interests –Funds
But despite this we have and are delivering… -Nearly £9m of extra funding -Increasing bus use -Walking, cycling and public transport all up -Reduced car dependency -Improved road safety – 12% decrease in Better air quality – 44 out of 46 stations show improvement -Low emissions Zone
Key lessons Have a vision – communicate it Political will to deliver Cross party support Professional officers – support them Support from partners – schools, employers, community, media Consult, engage and listen Learn from the best Provide evidence Sustainable transport measures are complimentary Have courage
Civilising the streets
Thank you Councillor Ian Davey Deputy Leader Lead member for Transport Brighton & Hove City Council