Community Partnerships to support a Creative Curriculum Natasha Silsby Community Manager Brighton & Hove The Aldridge Foundation
Sir Rod Aldridge set up the foundation after retiring from CAPITA in 2006 Sponsors four non-selective academies in deprived communities Fifth academy to be opened in Kensington in September 2014 Each academy a registered charity – not hard federated Entrepreneurial academies - entrepreneurial attributes... The Aldridge Foundation
Entrepreneurial Attributes
So what does this look like in the classroom?
Entrepreneurial Attributes You listen to other people when they are speaking You are clear when you speak to others You appreciate that every one is different You work together with people in y our class You welcome visitors at the school You want to win tasks, but you know it’s ok to fail You try new things even if you find it difficult You think about how likely a new idea is to work You make choices and decisions
Entrepreneurial Attributes You embrace any problems as a new challenges You seek new and better ways of doing things You ask for help when you need it!! You get involved You believe that you can achieve You think about/ discuss the future You are enthusiastic in class
Entrepreneurial Attributes You are open to new tasks and suggestions You ask questions You suggest new ideas that you think of If you have an idea, you make it happen! You set yourself challenging goals in tasks If you don’t do well at something, you pick yourself back up and move on You never give up on a task you are doing You are not scared of failure
Brighton Aldridge Community Academy
Partnership Example 1. PSHE and Brighton University Initial Teacher Training Dep. 5 week module Intro / briefing / consultation / development / delivery 6 x lesson plans and resources Core benefits; mutual – pressure to offer more interesting modules, replicable in other departments, WP, new perspective, based on student learning
Partnership Example 2. History Dept. and Lighthouse 6 week programme (inc Easter) Creative Partnerships model Contribution to final exhibition Core benefits; more girls signed up for GCSE History, image bank, project model to develop as part of community programme with key students as advocates
Partnership Example 3. Catering & Hospitality Dept and Food Partnership. Academic year with 4 seasonal interventions Local trips to source produce, create menu and cater for small themed event Core benefits; replicable, broader and more real offer, opportunity to develop further partnership work with new range of new contacts, access to fresh, locally sourced and seasonal produce.
In Summary... Community /Geography – what is on your door step? Partnership – what is their purpose and how can that help you achieve what you need to deliver? Creative – You are open to new tasks and suggestions - You ask questions - You suggest new ideas that you think of - If you have an idea, you make it happen! Community Partnerships to support a Creative Curriculum
Your Turn - Task 1) Think about a local partnership project that has effectively contributed to your creative curriculum. 2) Think about a local business, intuition or organisation that could be a new potential partner. Consider; Who? Are they What? Do they do / is their purpose Where? Are they physically based / and do they have additional space? Why? Would they be interested/ how could your request for support meet their purpose? How? Could they help you deliver what you need to? Next Steps / first step
Natasha Silsby Community Manager Brighton & Hove The Aldridge Foundation