The region of Liguria is famous because it has got a beautiful sea and one of the most interesting celebration is Sanremo’s festival. The chief town is Genoa and it’s typical food is PESTO. Toscana is famous because in Pisa, one its cities, there’s a fantastic monument: the Torre di Pisa.The chief town is Firenze.
Valle d’Aosta is famous for winter tourism.The chief town is Aosta. Trentino Alto Adige is famous for the town of Cortina, where a lot of people spend their winter holidays. The chief town is Trento. Ah! We nearly forgot in this region there are the DOLOMITI !!!!!!!!
Piemonte is famous for: Torino, the chief town, because there is the FIAT and juventus one of the most important Italian football team. The chief town of Lombardia is Milano; the capital of the fashion style, famous all over the world for brands like D&G, Cavalli, Armani, Gucci and so on… the Duomo is the symbol of this city and thousands of tourists visit it every year.
Veneto is well known for the production of wines and its chief town Venezia, where you can go on gondola’s rides…it is also known for the several theme parks like: Gardaland, Mirabilandia and so on… Friuli Venezia Giulia is famous,for its industry and in the chief town, Trieste; you can see some museums of the arts and the history of the city.
Emilia Romagna is known for excellent food like: the cheese ‘’Parmigiano Reggiano’’and a type of pasta “Tortellini’’. Rimini is the most attractive city because is near the Adriatic sea. The chief town is Bologna. In Abruzzo there is one of the biggest national park of Italy. The chief town is l’Aquila centre of an earthquake in It was a catastrophy because all the gorgeaus churches and monuments were distroyed or got damaged.
Molise’s the smallest region of Italy Its chief town is Campobasso. Marche is a hilly region The chief town is Ancona.
Lazio has some beautiful cities. Roma is the capital of Italy and also the chief town of the region. It is famous for the Colosseo, that is part of Italian history. Rome is also important for the largest university campus in the region. This region is famous for its beautiful coasts, one of the most beautiful coasts of Italy. The chief town is Napoli and is famous for the Vesuvius (volcano) and for pizza, the traditional dish.
Calabria is famous for the discovery of an archeological relic “ BRONZI DI RIACE “. Its chief town is Reggio- Calabria. Umbria is in the heart of Italy. One of its cities is Assisi, famous for its 2 basilicas “BASILICA DI SAN FRANCESCO” and “BASILICA DI SANTA MARIA DEGLI ANGELI”
Basilicata is famous for “ SASSI DI MATERA “ tipicals houses inside rocks. Its chief town is Potenza. Puglia is the heel of Italy. In this region there is“TAVOLIERE DELLE PUGLIE” famous all over the world. Its chief town is Bari. The typical food is the “ORECCHIETTE”.
Sicilia and Sardegna are the biggest islands of Italy. Sicilia is famous for its typical shape (triangular); and for good foods: ”CANNOLI SICILIANI,CASSATA SICILIANA, ARANCINI, GRANITE “and so on… Besides there is a famous volcano “ETNA”. Sardegna is famous for its characteristic “PANE CARASAU”. Both have fantastic sea. Their coasts are beautiful and a lot of tourists visit them.
The Capital City of Italy is “Roma”. It was founded on April 21, 753 BC from “Romolo”, the first emperor of Roma. It is very important for culture, language, literature, art, architecture, philosophy, religion, law and morals.. Roma is famous for «Colosseo», the biggeest amphitheater of the word. It is famous because was built by the Romans.
The famous singers of Italy are «EMMA MARRONE and ALESSANDRA AMOROSO», they have won «AMICI», an important television’s program. Emma Marrone’s first album is «A ME PIACI COSì», and Alessandra Amoroso’s first album is «IL MONDO IN UN SECONDO».
Laura Pausini and Tiziano Ferro are two important singers and they have participated to«FESTIVAL di SANREMO». Laura Pausini’s last song is «Limpido», and Tiziano Ferro’s last song is «LA FINE».
Eros Ramazzotti and Luciano Ligabue are famous singers. The first singer has participated to «FESTIVAL di SANREMO». Eros Ramazzotti’s first album is «Terra Promessa», and Luciano Ligabue’s first album is «Anime In Plexiglass».
Two of the most important presenters are Maria De Filippi and Gerry Scotti they were in «AMICI» and «ITALIA’S GOT TALENT».
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