Insurance Basics Name Hour # Requirements Title and meet the requirements on each slide. Title font should be different than information font. Colorful background on slides. Spell Check. Use to find the information. Replace or Erase all red typing
Insurance Definitions Use the Lingo Links for the different types of insurance Insurance (First Page, Third Paragraph) Deductible (Health Insurance Lingo) Policy Holder (Life Insurance Lingo) Premium (Life Insurance Lingo) Tort (Car Insurance Lingo)
Car Insurance Definitions (Look at Auto Ins. Page/Car Lingo) Bodily Injury Liability Collision Insurance Comprehensive Coverage
Car Insurance: Why do you need it? (Look at Auto Home Page) 3 bullet points stating why you need car insurance. Picture/Clip Art
Car Insurance: What should you know about how to select car insurance? (Look at Assessing Your Auto Ins. Needs Link) 4 sentences/bullet points
Homeowners Insurance: What are some basics you should know when selecting your Homeowners Insurance? (Look under property insurance home page) 3 sentences/bullet points Picture/Clip Art
Homeowners Insurance: What are 5 ways to reduce home owners insurance costs? (Link to Reducing Homeowner’s Ins.) 5 bullet points
Homeowners Insurance: What is tenants (renters) insurance and what does it protect? (Look at Tenants Policy)
Health Insurance Definitions (select the health care page) Individual Health Plans (It has it’s own link) Medicare (Last paragraph on Health Care Page) Medicaid (Last paragraph on Health Care Page)
Health Insurance: What is the difference between group health insurance and individual health insurance? Group Health vs. Individual Health (They have their own links, read and compare the two)
Health Insurance: What are the benefits of having health insurance? (Home Page of Health Insurance) 3 sentences/bullet points Picture/clip art
5 Kansas City Insurance Companies and their website link Use Google to research…