What is Stop Motion Animation? An Animation created by combining photograph stills of movement using a digital camera Similar to a Flip Book Photos show small movements
Famous Stop Motion Animations Nightmare Before Christmas
Famous Stop Motion Animations Lego Movie
Gulp! eN2vhslTTU eN2vhslTTU
How Gulp is MadeGulp
Winsor McCay America’s First Great Cartoon Animator Began Career as Comic Strip Writer Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend
Winsor McCay Inspired by his son's flick-books, he spent four years and produced four thousand individual drawings in making his first animated cartoon 'Little Nemo', in 1911
Winsor McCay He made the first feature length American cartoon The Sinking of the Lusitania The Sinking of the Lusitania
History of Animation Drawings that show motion
Process Create thousands of drawings that are photographed 1 at a time
Go to: stop-motion-videos/ stop-motion-videos/ Pick your favorite and write WHY
How it works… Must Have: Tripod to steady the camera Single viewpoint works best Use toys or patient person as characters
Your Project In groups of 3 Brainstorm an idea Get your idea approved Create a story board Shoot your animation
Transformation Think about how things change Growth Changing Seasons Evolution Positive to Negative Negative to Positive
Transformation Create a story about this transformation Use characters in place to tell your story.