Experience of Rural Development policies through a bottom-up approach Pat Moynan, Dept. of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
Role of Managing Authority Until 2002 LEADER managed by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development New Ministry of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs established in 2002 Rural Development Division responsible for all policy and operational issues relating to LEADER
Strength of community organisations Historically, Ireland has had a strong base of community and rural development organisations Self-help approach to resolving issues for farmers and for rural dwellers Organisations emerged to tackle issues as varied as very heavy rural unemployment and common processing of agricultural produce
Emergence of LEADER LEADER pilot in Ireland started in 1991 Initially in 17 areas round of funding saw growth to cover all areas which continued in the round 35 Area Based Groups and 3 national bodies delivered the round At this stage the bottom-up philosophy of LEADER is accepted as part of the rural landscape
Structure of Groups Groups comprise at least 50 per cent representatives from community and voluntary sector Also include representatives of the social partners such as trade unions, business representatives and the farming organisations Representatives from relevant state bodies and local government representatives also participate
How Groups operate Dept. issues rules which are based on the relevant EU regulations Rules outline terms of eligibility of projects and other requirements to ensure compliance with EU policies on areas such as Procurement, Equality and Information and Publicity All projects are considered by Group’s Evaluation Committee which makes recommendations to the Board
How Groups operate Board considers recommendation Ultimate decision is with the Board who operate in an independent and impartial way Dept. does not sit on Board or seek to influence the Board in any way Decision is for local board to make
Achievement of Groups Groups have become very important economic and social actors in their communities LEADER is the cornerstone of their activities Over time Groups have been allocated responsibility for new national Programmes such as CLÁR, the Rural Social Scheme and the Community Supports Programme
Achievement of Groups Groups also involved in other E.U. Programmes such as EQUAL, PEACE and Interreg. Groups seen locally as well-managed and deliverers of services in a fair way to local communities
Future for LEADER in Ireland Rural Development Programme for Ireland approved on July 24 th 2007 Axis 3 and Axis 4 will be delivered by Local Action Groups Budget for is €425.4m, almost treble the funding available for the previous round Business plan evaluators to be appointed in early October
Future for LEADER in Ireland Business plans to be sought from prospective Local Action Groups in the near future Hoped to have report with Minister before the end of this year Proposal to Government in early 2008 Commencement of new Programme in Spring 2008
Formal procedures Candidate must show an ability to define and implement a development strategy for the area Coherent area coverage Candidates must submit a business plan for the area
Formal procedures Art. 62 of Reg. (EC) 1698/2005 Candidate must propose an integrated local development model based on the LEADER approach. Must have worked on a previous LEADER Programme or be a new group with partners from the various locally based socioeconomic sectors
Shape of new Programme New Programme will prioritise the following: Ongoing development of the rural/agri tourism sector, the small food/artisan food producer, the craft sector, the implementation of the Countryside Recreation Strategy and general supports for rural enterprise Co-operation with Northern Ireland Local Action Groups is expected to increase significantly Will also ensure complementarity between Programme and other EU/National Programmes
Further information