…dedicated to the design, manufacturing, integration and support of lightweight flight safety equipment and services. Our goal is to provide the Best-in-Class lightweight recorders for both fixed and rotary wing fleets worldwide.
Headquartered in Arlington, TX, provides all in-house product design specification, product manufacturing responsibility, Quality Assurance and system support. Our innovative design allows us to have modular equipment and possess a broad interface capability to enable customers to use the same system components for both their new digital as well as all their legacy analog aircraft. The company’s product line of cockpit voice and video recorders (O.V.V.R./CV²R) far exceed any current regulations or EUROCAE recommendations. In addition, our Multi Function Data Acquisition Unit (MFDAU) can collect current ARINC 429 and 717 data streams as well as multiple analog inputs from legacy helicopters and airplanes.
All products have been tested to the most recent FAA DO-160F high vibration rotorcraft standards and are FAA STC’d. We offer our customers the most comprehensive aviation safety equipment as a tool to enable them to best manage, train, and improve the safety and performance of their operations. Current fleet-wide deployments and installations are underway with industry leaders such as PHI Air Medical® and Metro Aviation®. Our systems are installed in the EC135, EC145, and AS350 airframes with current STC programs underway for additional models. Click one of the buttons below fore more information…
ABOUT US As former VP of Sales and Marketing for OuterLink Corp., Jeff Warner drove the development of the cockpit voice and video recorder and the Multi Function Data Acquisition Unit for accessing and recording flight data. In the fall of 2010, Warner collaborated with Metro Aviation President and owner Mike Stanberry to form NORTH Flight Data Systems, LLC. This successful collaboration initiated the purchase of OuterLink’s Flight Data Systems assets. NORTH Flight Data Systems is headquartered in Arlington, TX..
PRODUCTS Cockpit Voice, Video, Flight Data and Satcom System Recorder The NORTH Flight Data Systems product line is a comprehensive flight monitoring and recording system that provides voice, video, GPS, and detailed analog, digital and ARINC aircraft system information. The system is comprised of either the OuterLink® Voice and Video Recorder (O.V.V.R.) or CV²R voice, video and GPS recorder, and the Multi Function Data Acquisition Unit (MFDAU) with the Quick Access Recorder (QAR). The system may be installed as a stand-alone system or interfaced with the NORTH FDS Satcom system.OuterLink® Next Product
SERVICES NORTH FDS is proud to provide unmatched sales, service and technical support of our certified, integrated tracking and safety products. Our seasoned, professional team of engineers work closely and with the FAA and foreign certification authorities to obtain installation approvals that are strategically customized for your specific rotory or fixed wing aircraft For manufacturing, service and technical support on all NORTH FDS products, please call us directly at or us at:
PRODUCTS O.V.V.R. The O.V.V.R. is latest NORTH FDS Control head that combines the OuterLink® Voice Panel (OVP) voice messaging system with a continuous 8-hour recording loop of one video and six audio input sources. Next Product
PRODUCTS CV2R The CV²R is latest NORTH FDS Control head that provides a continuous 12+hour recording loop of one video and six audio input sources. The system has provisions to accept GPS data stream. Audio, video, and GPS playback software is included. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Quick Access Recorder (QAR) The QAR is a remotely mountable FTP recording device that contains 2ea High Performance 16 GB SD cards. One SD card records audio, video and GPS data. The second SD card records all aircraft performance and redundant GPS data. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Multi Function Data Acquisition Unit (MFDAU) The MFDAU is a self contained unit that uses internal gyros and accelerometers to track three dimensional movement G forces and external systems data. The internal magnetometer and pitot static sensors provide accurate heading, speed and altitude information. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Cockpit CameraCockpit Camera The High Resolution FD600CAM-2 color camera has been certified for use with the FDS. The camera has a standard CCD lens thread for use with any CCD lens. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Area MicrophoneArea Microphone Customers may elect to add the NORTH FDS in- line area microphone. The small and lightweight mic has been DO-160 tested and can feed one of the 6 available channels within the audio recorder. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Safety Matrix And Reporting Threshold (SMART) NORTH FDS has developed a software application that enables the customers to establish operational thresholds that define an important event. The SMART application runs on the O.V.V.R. platform and constantly monitors all data being recorded and can transmit a detailed exceedance report over any Satcom link. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Playback Software Each O.V.V.R/CV²R comes with a comprehensive suite of software to playback the recorded data. The 6 audio channels are individually selectable for playback with the video/GPS data. Next Product Previous Product
PRODUCTS Flightscape Insight® NORTH Flight Data Systems has selected the CAE Flightscape Insight software as the standard Flight Operations and Quality Assurance (FOQA) application. Previous Product