Bridging the Gap How the Internet is impacting the role of the Boston Scientific sales representative. Ellie Martinez December 15, 2005
Background Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer, manufacturer, and marketer of medical devices. Boston Scientific has a direct sales force is the corporate web site SalesSource is an internal sales-only resource site
Situation is promoted directly to physicians SalesSource is promoted to the sales representatives
The Gap In 2004, Boston Scientific customer feedback indicated that sales representatives did not promote the corporate web site
Research Question Is Boston Scientific’s corporate web site a sales tool for its sales representatives?
Method survey sent to 822 US-based Boston Scientific sales representatives Survey consisted of 25 questions Incentive offered: drawing for portable DVD players
Response 43% response rate Total Responses349 Sales Representatives 208 Sales Management 142
Online Use Approximately how many hours do you spend on the Internet per week? 1-4 hours30% 5-9 hours39% hours22% 15 plus hours9% 70% spend more than half their time online for work
Web Sites Visited For what purposes do you spend your time on the Internet? 90% 73% 50% 45% 33% 28% 15%
Use of Corporate Site Have you referenced (or its specific content) to your customers? 77% have referenced to customers 57% have referenced it themselves prior to a sales call
Valuable Sites 90% 95% 78% 51% On a 1-7 scale, respondent values >4
Significant Findings Sales Representatives are spending more than half their time on the Internet for work related purposes is the second most visited site for work purposes is referenced by sales representatives prior to and during sales calls is the second most valuable site for sales representatives
Conclusion Is Boston Scientific’s corporate web site a sales tool for its sales representatives? Yes
Recommendations To increase use of Promote to the sales representatives Communicate the value proposition of using
Future Research Measure use and satisfaction of after recommendations have been completed Further identify the effectiveness of to the sales process Participate in any study of direct sales channels interacting with online sales channels
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