LCGP Project Mini Case Study Hotcat Small (Crossgates)
STATISTICS Equipment supplier:Bruest Catalytics Heaters Method of Preheating:Hotcat Installed preheater capacity :380kW Peak Site Demand:144kW Main Works Contractor:Stanningley Engineering Services Ltd Commissioned:February 2015
Hotcat Small (Crossgates)
LESSONS LEARNT 1. Carrying out a separate G17 design approval / appraisal for the preheater itself is meaningless 2. NGN Comments. Rectified by NGN on behalf of Bruest prior to commissioning: i. The heat exchanger is designed as a pressure vessel (not as a pipe). The appropriate maintenance of a pressure vessel will need to be carried out by NGN ii. Metal on metal pipe clips will not be used in future iii. Cable terminations to be checked by Bruest before units are dispatched iv. Where multi-core cables are used, all cores will serve a purpose. Cables with excess numbers of cores will not be specified v. If electrical equipment is not intended to be sited in a hazardous area, it shall not be specified as if it was to be sited in a hazardous area 3. Consider programme risks of potential obstructions underground when constructing new bases