Psalm 110:1 The main Messianic Psalm Verse 1 is quoted several times in the New Testament Mark 12:35-37 to prove Messiah is greater than David Acts 2:34-36 to prove Jesus is the Messiah He was raised from the dead Ax 2:25=Ps. 16:8 He is King at the right hand of God David did not prophesy this of himself but of the one he called my lord Ps. 110:1
Psalm 110:1-2 Messiah rules until all enemies are subdued 1 Cor. 15:20-28 explains how Christ fulfills this Also quotes Psalm 8 He has put all things under His feet V. 2 parallels Psalm 2 rod v.9, rule & Zion v.6 Hebrews 5:5-6 connects Psalm 2:7 with Psalm 110:4 in the appointment of Jesus as High Priest Paul uses Psalm 2:7 to prove the resurrection of Jesus
Psalm 110:3 V.3 concerns us We are His people 1 Pet. 2:9 We are volunteers 2 Cor. 8:4-5,9,12; 9:6-7 Like Abraham toward Melchizedek Hb 7, Gn 14 Like Gideon’s army Judges 7:2-3; 5:2 the drinking is also what Messiah would do v.7 Judges 7:4-8 We must be willing to do God’s will We must be qualified to do God’s will Ps 96:9
Psalm 110:4 Heb. 5 connects Psalm 2 with Psalm 110 God made Jesus High Priest Heb. 1-2 connect Ps 2 with Ps 45 and Ps 8 Heb. 6:19-20 Jesus is a priest forever Heb. 7:1-14 priesthood of Jesus is greater than the priesthood of Aaron God’s endorsement was resurrection of Jesus v fruit from something dead Numbers 17 Jesus made a better priest by a better word v He makes us priests by His word Rv. 1:6