What’s it all about Take part in the 2011 National Science & Engineering Week competition Invent something to solve a mind-boggling problem Send us your design on a poster with a drawing and explanation of how it works and the problem it solves You could win one of four Nintendo DS games consoles and a fun science show for your class!
What’s the deal The competition is open to all children in the UK between the ages of 5 –16 You must finish your entry in time for your teacher to post to the British Science Association on Monday 21st March You may draw your posters in school time or at home but the picture must be your own work
What sort of problems Turn waste into useful products Generate clean POWER Prevent Illness Communicate underwater Hide from enemies Play computer games with your dog Create a pocket-sized meal
If you want to enter the competition Sc7 will be open every lunchtime from Fri 11 th March – Friday 18 th March for you to complete your posters with Mrs Isard. A prize will be given for the best school entry and they will all be sent off for National judging.