BYOD in Elementary Classrooms Capitalizing on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Elementary Schools 1
BYOD defined Bring your own device to facilitate teaching and learning 2
BYOD in the news NPR Overview Cell phone in schools 3
Pros and Cons of BYOD Advantages Capitalizes on home technology – saving $$ Engaging to students Increase achievement Increase digital responsibility Disadvantages Equity issues- increase digital divide Data costs School networking Internet safety Lack of bulk buying / standardization 4
Additional Considerations Is your infrastructure prepared? Does your school have the proper wireless equipment Is there secure access for students/staff? Health and Safety Is your school prepared for when students break the code of conduct? Are present board policies counter to what BYOD means? Do they ban the very devices that students are supposed to use? What does BYOD mean? There are so many devices that students can use and if it is too open- ended, some students will take liberties that they shouldn't. Laptop?, iPad?, Tablet?, Smartphone?, PS3, Nintendo DS, DSi What about the students who cannot afford the devices? If schools require or encourage devices, they need a plan for those students who cannot afford them How will teachers receive professional development around BYOD? Not all staff understands how it works. Many teachers want to allow students to bring their own devices but they do not always understand how they handle the concept. Outreach to parents How are parents being informed that their children can BYOD? Parents need to know what their children are doing with the expensive devices they bring to school. What is the policy if a device gets lost or stolen? Is school like a hotel? They're not responsible for lost or stolen items? 7
10 Key Components of a Successful BYOD Initiative 1.21 st century student 2.Tools for learning 3.Acceptable use policies 4.Professional development 5.Specific learning outcome 6.Ensure equity 7.Increase access 8.Learning during non-instructional time 9.Unacceptable use 10.Technology at the service of pedagogy 8
Sample Agreement 9
BYOD in action Forsyth County Schools, Cumming, GA 10
Teacher Preparation Informal opportunities to share Professional development Ongoing involvement Resource sharing Focus in teacher education 11
Other Connections The flipped classroom The flipped classroom 12
BYOD Potential devices 13
Potential BYO (D)evices School Flip Video Digital cameras Tablets & Desktops Smart boards Projectors Chromebooks Any of these resources Home Tablets Nooks Kindles IPad's/ IPad Minis IPod Touches Smart phones Nintendo DS / DSi Laptops 14
TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES For potential use in BYOD classrooms 16
Learning Management Systems 17 Edmodo Blackboard Engage forms/engage/overview.aspx forms/engage/overview.aspx Moodle
Collaborative Storage Dropbox Sugarsync Skydrive Google drive 18
Digital Resources Discovery Education (Streaming) FollettShelf elf.cfm elf.cfm netTrekker com/us/ com/us/ Renzulli 19
Apps Google Calendar Drive / Docs Slides Sheets Webinars Lesson Plans Google voice Apple Notes GarageBand MathBoard Britannica Kids History: Maps of the World Into to Letters, by Montessorium Sketchbook pro ShowMe Interactive Link to 55 best free apps Link to 55 best free apps 20
Applications Free Twitter YouTube BrainPOP Blogger Evernote Quizlet Paid iMovie iWork Voicethread Spaaze Flashcards Deluxe (app) Microsoft Office Suite OneNote (collaboration) 21
Tools Web based QR code generator Prezi Polleverywhere com/ com/ TurningPoint solutions/turningpoint solutions/turningpoint Software Dreamweaver vnet/dreamweaver.html vnet/dreamweaver.html Camtasia m/camtasia.html m/camtasia.html Camstudio Adobe Creative Suite cessibility/products/creati vesuite/ cessibility/products/creati vesuite/ 22
Hardware Resources Ruckus Wireless Cisco Alexandra Helios (wireless charging units) Lightspeed Web Filter orative-filter/ orative-filter/ SharpSchool VMWare View
THE END Technology resources and this PowerPoint available 24
Handout Resources 25