DO WE KNOW? We live on a huge magnets & have evolved in its magnetic fields Magnetic Therapy Totally Natural Pain Relief
What is a Magnet?
A Scientifically Proven Magnet That Really Works! Magnetic Therapy is the application of magnetic fields on parts of the body to speed healing, relative pain and inflammation, and improve bodily functions. The magnetic therapy simulates the earth's magnetic field and places your body in an optimum environment to heal itself. The physiology of the wide range of benefits is not completely understood but it is believed to come from increased blood circulation for greater supplies of oxygen and nutrients and improving removal of contaminants and toxins from body tissues. The magnetic therapy simulates the earth's magnetic field and places your body in an optimum environment to heal itself.
The Effect of Conventional Magnetization Patterns Influence Day 12 Bread in negative field / control / positive field Bread in negative field Bread in positive field Magnets are increasingly being used therapeutically and basic research needs to be conducted in order to better understand the effects of magnetic fields.
Magnet Therapy is : Doctor recommended. Clinically tested. Safe and effective. Re-usable. A non-invasive drug-free therapy. Affordable Have no side effects The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, prescribes Magnetic Therapy for the first time! Magnetic brain therapy gets US green light Now transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has received its first stamp of approval as a therapy by the US Food and Drugs Administration, which says TMS can be used to treat depression in adults who don't respond to anti-depressant drugs.
How Massages Travel From One Nerve Cell to Another Nerve cells, or neurons, are the working units used by the nervous system to send, receive, and store the signals that add up to information.
Neodymium magnet Neodymium magnet NEODYMIUM ‘KING OF MAGNETS’ NEODYMIUM These magnets are made up of three metals: Boron, Ferrite and Neodymium. Neodymium is a Rare Earth Metal and Expensive. A normal magnet which weights around 90 Kgs of 8000 gauss is too tough to carry but a neodymium magnet of same gauss is just 20 grms. Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets known
Neodymium magnet Is It Possible To Carry A 90 kg Magnet Everyday ??? 8,000 gauss Neodymium Magnet 8,000 gauss Neodymium Magnet Weighs around 20 gms Neodymium Magnet 8,000 gauss Alnico Magnet Weighs around 90 kgs
Bio-Magnetic Therapy Magnetic Therapy is the application of magnetic fields on parts of the body to speed healing, relative pain and inflammation, and improve bodily functions. The magnetic therapy simulates the earth's magnetic field and places your body in an optimum environment to heal itself. The physiology of the wide range of benefits is not completely understood but it is believed to come from increased blood circulation for greater supplies of oxygen and nutrients and improving removal of contaminants and toxins from body tissues. The magnetic therapy simulates the earth's magnetic field and places your body in an optimum environment to heal itself.
Bio-Magnetic Therapy Effects Helps: Pains Reduce Stress Better Digestions Better Sleep Reduce Fatigue
Bio-Magnetic Therapy Effects Helps: Arthritis Headache & Shoulder ache Reduce pain and discomfort Weight loss Better Focus & concentration
Magnet Therapy is not : To be used without a diagnosis. To be used by persons using a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or other electro-insulin device. To be used by pregnant women. Not ! A miracle or the answer to everything.
Titanium The disruption of biological electrical currents can also be corrected by using metals. Metals by nature emit positive and negative (minus) charges, and it is the degree to which these charges are emitted that determines their ionization strength. Ionizing propensities differ from metal to metal, it has been generally recognized that aluminum possesses the strongest such effect, followed by zinc, iron, nickel, tin, lead, copper, mercury, white gold and gold. However, until recently, it has been discovered that Titanium is believed to have an even higher ionizing effect than any of these metals. Titanium is thus extremely effective in correcting the disruptions in a person’s biological electrical currents, thereby eliminating any unpleasant and painful symptoms. The excellent results derives from wearing a titanium bracelets are due to the fact that titanium emits electrical currents that are beneficial in correcting and balancing a person’s disrupted biological electrical current
Titanium It is extremely strong ( 3 times stronger than steel ) yet much (42%) lighter. It is used in the production of Missiles, Submarines, Weaponry, Satellites, Aircrafts, etc. For years titanium has been known for its compatibility with the human body and has been widely used as a surgical replacement for Bones & Hips. TITANIUM
Far Infra Red Rays FIR is commonly known as the "Light of Life". It is an invisible part of the spectrum of sunlight and as such is also known as the "Invisible Light". When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat so produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating. BEFORE AFTER
HEALTH BENEFITS BENEFITS OF GERMANIUM BENEFITS OF GERMANIUM Prevention of cancer and AIDS by Stimulating the body's immune system,. KILLS BACTERIA Facilitates the movement of oxygen across cellular membranes to deliver oxygen into the cells. Also Treats Depression, Arthritis, vision problems, Elevated blood pressure.
Far Infra Red Rays FIR activates water molecules in the body These active molecules increase blood circulation Increase metabolism efficiency Get rid of waste products more quickly and efficiently Decrease acidity in the blood Increase the blood's Oxygen contents. FIR activates water molecules in the body These active molecules increase blood circulation Increase metabolism efficiency Get rid of waste products more quickly and efficiently Decrease acidity in the blood Increase the blood's Oxygen contents.
Positive Ions Positive ions in the atmosphere have very harmful effects on health, while negatives ions are beneficial. If the atom losses electrons it has more protons than electrons and so has an overall positive charge. Conversely, if an atom gains electrons, it has more electrons than protons and so negatively charged. These charged particles are called ions, and all contain unpaired electrons. Our bodies use makes and extensive use of icons such as calcium (Ca++), potassium (K+), and sodium (Na+) ions for transmitting electric signals between the brain the nerves. One hypothesis is that such ions interfere with the body’s own internal communication system
Nano technology Nano technology involves the manipulation of structures which deals with the creation and use of materials or devices at the level of molecules and atoms. Nano technology is the science of fabricating things smaller than 100 nanometers (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter). The new scale allows manipulation on the cellar level, which enable new discoveries in pharmaceuticals, bio- defense, and healthcare. The physical, chemical and biological properties of material at the nano scale differ in fundamentals and valuable ways. Nano technology creates new classes of structural materials that bring about lighter, stronger, smarter, cheaper, cleaner and more precise product
Nano technology VERY small but high strength healing rare nano- magnets are placed on the body as close as possible to, or directly onto the point of pain. The magnetic field created (wearing magnetic bracelets) penetrates deep into the muscle and tissue surrounding an injury and reduces pain by neutralizing the inflammation and swelling in the area for most types of painful conditions.
Magnets are Not Magic body regain its self- healing balance naturally Magnetotherapy helps the body regain its self- healing balance naturally, because each organ and cell in the body is influenced by magnetic fields. Cell regulation, tissue function and life itself are controlled by electromagnetic currents
Magnets are Not Magic When a magnet is applied to the body, muscles and soft tissue lengthen and relax, waves pass through the tissue and secondary currents are induced. When those currents clash with magnetic waves they produce impacting heat on electrons in the body cells. These impacting heats are very effective in the reduction of muscle swelling and pain. Movement of hemoglobin in the blood vessels is accelerated this has been observed in both thermo graphic and nuclear medicine studies - while calcium, cholesterol and lactic acid deposits in the blood are decreased. The fatigued blood is cleansed and circulation is increased. There is also significant evidence of a pain- blocking mechanism in nerve fibers themselves when subjected to magnetic fields.
Magnet Therapy can Help Reverse These Conditions Addictions Alzheimer’s Disease Asthma Blister Boils Bronchitis Burns Cancer Cataracts Children’s Health Problems Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Colds and Sinusitis Colitis Constipation Diabetes Diverticulitis Environmental Illness Heart Disease Hiatal Hernia Indigestion and Nausea Infections Inflammation Irritable Bowel Syndrome Laryngitis Macular Degeneration Men’s Health Problems Mental Problems Multiple Sclerosis Obesity Pain and Injuries Parasites Seizures Sleep Disorders Warts and Moles Women’s Health Problems
It helps alleviate pain and improve mobility of arthritic joints Recovery of nerve sensation. It aids recovery of torn ligaments, muscles and tendons. It reduces bruising and swelling. It speeds recovery in sports injuries. Greater resistance to infection. It improves circulation/body and extremity warming. It helps removal of waste products from the blood, i.e. lactic acids, calcium, cholesterol and fat deposits. It increases energy and strength. It speeds healing, i.e. bone fractures.. It alleviates migraine and headaches. It improves overall health.
Blood Pressure High or Low? High Blood Pressure- Wear Your BIO LIFE Magnetic Bracelet on your Right Wrist Low Blood Pressure-Wear Your BIO LIFE Magnetic Bracelet on your Left Wrist
INVEST WISELY IN YOUR HEALTH Small Investment for Your Personal Health, Great Returns! A one-time wise investment There is no need to charge the scalar product as its energy is already imbedded into it, and will last forever.
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